Residence Halls and Houses

Affinity Housing
Thanks to the campaigning of students, Clark University is dedicated to developing affinity housing. Given the realities of isolation, tokenization, and discrimination expressed by the Black Student Union, Clark University is currently committed to providing affinity housing for students who share a commitment to learning about and centering Blackness and fighting anti-Blackness. Students who apply to live in this affinity housing will set community norms together, host educational and social events, and build community through learning from and living with people with an interest in learning how to resist and fight anti-Blackness, centering the experiences of students of color.
Applicants are asked to contribute to a positive, inclusive, close-knit, and vibrant residential experience. A student may apply to live in affinity housing for their sophomore, junior, or senior year. The affinity housing selection process takes place prior to general housing selection, allowing students who are wait-listed or not accepted time to enter the general housing lottery. Students looking to apply for Affinity Housing will complete the application in their Housing and Dining self-service portal.

First-Year Halls
All First-Year Housing is Traditional Lifestyle, allowing first-year students to get to know each other better. Each building is equipped with community bathrooms on each floor, one full kitchen, many social lounges, quiet study rooms, multimedia study rooms, and laundry facilities.
Bullock Hall – Traditional Lifestyle Dana Hall – Traditional + Suite Lifestyle Wright Hall – Traditional LifestyleSophomore & Mixed-Class Halls
The University maintains two halls that are predominentlly for sophomores, Maywood Hall and JSC. Maywood Hall is all Suite Lifestyle housing options and JSC is a mix of Traditional and Suite Lifestyle.
Hughes Hall is a mix of first-year and sophomore students while Dodd Hall is a mix of all class years. Hughes and Dodd are co-educational residence halls featuring Traditional Lifestyle and Suite Lifestyle housing options. All floors have private bathrooms and most floors have kitchen facilities.
Dodd Hall – Traditional + Suite Lifestyle Hughes Hall – Traditional + Suite Lifestyle Johnson Sanford Center – Traditional + Suite Lifestyle Maywood Hall – Suite Lifestyle

Hall for Women-Identified Students
Currently the University offers housing for women-identified and gender-diverse students. While Dodd’s main population is women-identified students, many of our non-binary and LGBTQIA+ students also choose to live in the building.
It has singles and doubles in a quad-style arrangement. Limited Apartment Lifestyle housing options are available for upper-class students.
Dodd Hall – Traditional + Suite LifestyleJunior/Senior Halls
Housing primarily junior and senior students. These areas accommodate four, five, six, or eight people.
Blackstone Hall – Apartment Lifestyle Main Street Houses – Apartment Lifestyle

RLH Houses
The University offers ten houses for undergraduate residence living and two for graduate students. Some are structured like small residence halls and others offer apartment-style living.
RLH Houses