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The following bibliography, though by no means a comprehensive list, is a testament to the level of exploration made possible through the use of TerrSet. We welcome additions to the list. This is only a reference aid to our users; we do not provide copies of these articles.

Biodiversity & Habitat | Decision Support & Risk | Development & Regional Planning | Earth Trends Modeler | Epidemiology | Education | Forestry & Agriculture | General | Hydrology/Hydrogeology | Image Processing/Remote Sensing | Land Change | Land Change Modeler | Time Series

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Curated Bibliography

Biodiversity and Habitat

Alves, T.P., and N.F. Fontoura.”Statistical distribution models for migratory fish in Jacui basin, South Brazil.” Neotropical Ichthyology, Vol. 7, Issue 4 (2009): 647-658.

Beckler, A.A., B.W. French, and L.D. Chandler. “Using GIS in Areawide Pest Management: A Case Study in South Dakota.” Transactions in GIS 9, no. 2 (2005): 109-127.

Bersier, Louis-Felix, Daniel Borcard, Catherine Marthe, and Dietrick R. Meyer. “Bird assemblages in Mosaic forests: the relative importance of vegetation structure and floristic composition along the successional gradient.” Acta Oecologica 15, no. 5 (1994): 561-576.

Bino, G., N. Levin, S. Darawshi, N. Van Der Hal, A. Reich-Solomon, S. Kark. “Accurate prediction of bird species richness patterns in an urban environment using Landsat-derived NDVI and spectral unmixing.” In International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, Issue 13 (2008): 3675–3700.

Clevenger, Anthony P., Jack Wierzchowski, Bryan Chruszcz, and Kari Gunson. “GIS-Generated, Expert-Based Models for Identifying Wildlife Habitat Linkages and Planning Mitigation Passages.” Conservation Biology 16, no. 2 (2002): 503-514.

Creel, S., and N.M. Creel. The African Wild Dog: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.

Gibbs, James P. “Wetland Loss and Biodiversity Conservation.” Conservation Biology 14, no. 1 (2000): 314-317.

Gontier, M., U. Mörtberg, and B. Balfors. “Comparing GIS-based habitat models for applications in EIA and SEA.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30 (2010): 8-18.

Guneralp, B., G. Gertner, G. Mendoza, and A. Anderson. “Spatial Simulation and Fuzzy Threshold Analysis for Allocating Restoration Areas.” Transactions in GIS 7, no. 3 (2003): 343.

H-Acevedo, Dagoberto, and David J.Currie. “Does climate determine broad-scale patterns of species richness? A test of the causal link by natural experiment.” Global Ecology & Biogeography 12, no. 6 (2003): 461-473.

Hirzel, A. and A. Guisan. “Which is the optimal sampling strategy for habitat suitability modelling.” Ecological Modelling 157, no. 2-3 (2002): 331-341.

Hirzel, A.H., V. Helfer, and F. Métral. “Assessing habitat-suitability models with a virtual species. Ecological Modeling 145 (2001): 111-121.

Hooker, Sascha K., Hal Whitehead, and Shannon Gowans. “Marine Protected Area Design and the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Cetaceans in a Submarine Canyon.” Conservation Biology 13, no. 3 (1999): 592-602.

Johnson, Chris J., Katherine L. Parker, Douglas C. Heard, and Michael P. Gillingham. “Movement parameters of ungulates and scale-specific responses to the environment.” Journal of Animal Ecology 71, no. 2 (2002): 225-235.

Johnson, Lori M, Lisabeth L Willey, Michael T Jones, and Florencia Sangermano. “Predicting Core Habitat for Wolverine in Québec.” Beyond Ktaadn, 2012.

Khatchikian, C., F. Sangermano, D. Kendell, and T. Livdahl. “Evaluation of species distribution model algorithms for fine-scale container-breeding mosquito risk prediction.” Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2010), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2010.00935.x.

Krist, Frank J., and Daniel G. Brown. “GIS Modeling of Paleo-Indian Period Caribou Migrations and Viewsheds in Northeastern Lower Michigan.” PE&RS 60, no. 9 (1994): 1129-1137.

Lobo, Jorge M., and Fermín Martín-Piera. “Searching for a Predictive Model for Species Richness of Iberian Dung Beetle Based on Spatial and Environmental Variables.” Conservation Biology 16, no. 1 (2002): 158-173.

Manrique, Celene Espadas, Rafael Durán, and Jorge Argáez. “Phytogeographic analysis of taxa endemic to the Yucatán Peninsula using geographic information systems, the domain heuristic method and parsimony analysis of endemicity.” Diversity & Distributions 9, no. 4 (2003): 313-330.

McKelvey, K.S., and B. R. Noon. “Incorporating Uncertainties in Animal Location and Map Classification into Habitat Relationships Modeling.” In Spatial Uncertainty in Ecology: Implications for Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, eds.C.T. Hunsaker, M.F. Goodchild, M.A. Friedl, and T.J. Case. Springer, New York, (2001): 72-90.

Ormsby, D.W., and J. McMorrow. “GIS Habitat Modeling of Three Equid Spaces in East Africa.” Poster paper presented at RSS, September 1993.

Ostro, L.E.T., T. P. Young; S.C. Silver; and F.W. Koontz. “A Geographic Information System Method for Estimating Home Range Size.” The Journal of Wildlife Management 63, no. 2 (1999): 748-755.

Poirazidis, K., A. Papageorgiou, D. Kasimiadis. “Mapping the Animal Biodiversity in the Dadia National Park using Multi-Criteria Evaluation Tools and GIS.” Ιn Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Sustainable Management and Development of Mountainous and Island Areas 2, (2006): 299-304.

Robertson, M.P., C.I. Peter, M.H. Villet, and B.S. Ripley. “Comparing models for predicting species’ potential distributions: a case study using correlative and mechanistic predictive modelling techniques.” Ecological Modelling 16 (2003): 153-167.

Salam, M. Abdus, and Lindsay G. Ross. “GIS modeling for aquaculture in South-Western Bangladesh: Comparative production scenarios for brackish and freshwater shrimp and fish.” In Proceedings: Thirteenth annual conference on Geographic Information Systems, (1999): 141-145.

Salam, M. Abdus, and Lindsay G. Ross. “Resource allocation for brackish water shrimp farming in South-Western Bangladesh.” In Proceedings: Magrove ecosystem research methodology in Khulna University, Bangladesh, (1999): 25-27.

Salam, M. Abdus, and Lindsay G. Ross. “Optimising sites selection for development of shrimp (Panaeus monodon) and mud crab (Scylla serrata) culture in South-Western Bangladesh.” In Proceedings: Fourteenth Annual Conference on Geographic Information Systems. 2000.

Samson, D. M., Archer, R. S., Alimi, T. O., Arheart, K. K., Impoinvil, D. E., Oscar, R., Fuller, D.O., and Qualls, W. A. 2015. New baseline environmental assessment of mosquito ecology in northern Haiti during increased urbanization. Journal of Vector Ecology : Journal of the Society for Vector Ecology, 40(1), 46–58.

Sangermano, Florencia, Leslie Bol, Pedro Galvis, Raymond E. Gullison, Jared Hardner, Gail S. Ross. 2015. Habitat suitability and protection status of four species of amphibians in the Dominican Republic. Applied Geography 63, 55-65.

Spong, G. “Space use in lions, Panthera leo, in the Selous Game Reserve: social and ecological factors.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52 (2002): 303-307.

Stalmans M., K. Balkwill, E.T.F. Witkowski & K.H.Rogers. “A Landscape Ecological Approach to Address Scaling Problems in Conservation Management and Monitoring.” Environmental Management 28, no. 3 (2001): 389-401.

Thomson, M. C., D. A. Elnaiern, R. W. Ashford, and S. J. Connor. “Towards a kala azar risk map for Sudan: mapping the potential distribution of Phlebotomus orientalis using digital data of environmental variables.” Tropical Medicine & International Health 4, no. 2 (1999): 105-113.

Viana, Helder, José Aranha, Centro De Estudos, Tecnologias Saúde, and Quinta Alagoa. “Mapping Invasive Species (Acacia Dealbata Link ) Using ASTER / TERRA and LANDSAT 7 ETM + Imagery.” In Forest Landscapes and Global Change-New Frontiers in Management, Conservation, and Restoration: Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010., edited by and M.A. Pinto J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro, (2010): 443–448.

Williams, D.W., and R.A. Birdsey, “Historical Patterns of Spruce Budworm Defoliation and Bark Beetle Outbreaks in North American Conifer Forests: An Atlas and Description of Digital Maps.” In USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NE-308, (2003): 33.

Williams, D.W., and A.M. Liebhold. “Spatial Scale and the Detection of Density Dependence in Spruce Budworm Outbreaks in Eastern North America.” Oecologia 124 (2000): 544-552.

Williams, D.W. and A.M. Liebhold. “Climate Change and the Outbreak Ranges of Two North American Bark Beetles.” Agricultural and Forest Entomology 4 (2000): 87-99.

Yang, D., B.C. Pijankowski, and S.H. Gage. “Analysis of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) population dynamics in Michigan using geographic information systems.” Environmental Entomology 27, no. 4 (1998): 842-852.

Decision Support and Risk

Anonymous. “Summary of Procedures to Produce a Landslide Susceptibility Map.” In Report: Geo-haz Consultants. 1993.

Badji, Moussa and Dirk Mallants. “Integrating GIS and Process Models: A New Perspective for Decision Support Systems (DSS) in Irrigation Water Management.” In EGIS Proceedings, (1991): 48-54.

Burton, C.L. and M.S. Rosenbaum. “Decision support to assist environmental sedimentology modeling.” Environmental Geology 23 (2003): 457-465.

Corona, P., R. Salvati, A. Barbati and G. Chirici. “Land Suitability for Short Rotation Coppices Assessed through Fuzzy Membership Functions.” In Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Multiple Use and Sustainable Management, eds. R. Lafortezza, New York: Springer, (2008):191-212.

Eastman, J.R. “Uncertainty Management in GIS: Decision Support Tools for Effective Use of Spatial Data Resources.” In Spatial Uncertainty in Ecology: Implications for Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, eds.C.T. Hunsaker, M.F. Goodchild, M.A. Friedl, and T.J. Case. New York: Springer, (2001): 379-390.

Eastman, J.R. “Decision Theory and GIS.” In Proceedings: Africa GIS ’93, 20. 1993.

Eastman, J. R., H. Jiang, and James Toledano. “Multi-criteria and multi-objective decision making for land allocation using GIS.” In Multicriteria Analysis for Land-Use Management, edited by E. Beinat and P. Nijkamp, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1998): 227-252.

Eastman, J.R., P.A.K. Kyem, and James Toledano. “A Procedure for Multi-Objective Decision Making in GIS Under Conditions of Conflicting Objectives.” In Proceedings: EGIS 1993 1, (1993): 438-447.

Eastman, J.R., S. Emani, S. Hulina, H. Jiang, A. Johnson, and M. Ramachandran. Report: Applications Of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technology in Environmental Risk Assessment and Management. Clark Labs/Clark University, Worcester, MA (in cooperation with UNEP.) 1997.

Eastman, J.R., W. Jin, P.A.K. Kyem, and James Toledano. “Participatory Procedures for Multi-Criteria Evaluation in GIS.” In Proceedings: Chinese Professionals in GIS, (1992): 1-13.

Eastman, J.R., W. Jin, P.A.K. Kyem, and James Toledano. “An Algorithm for Multi-Objective Land Allocation Using GIS.” In Proceedings: International Workshop on GIS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (1993): 261-270.

Eastman, J.R., W. Jin, P.A.K. Kyem, and James Toledano, “Participatory Multi-Objective Decision Making in GIS”. In Proceedings: AUTOCARTO XI. 1993.

Eastman, J.R., W. Jin, P.A.K. Kyem, and James Toledano. “Raster Procedures for Multi-Criteria/ Multi-Objective Decisions.” PE&RS 61, no. 5 (1995): 539-547.

Emani, Srinivas, Samuel J. Ratick, George E. Clark, Kirstin Dow, Jeanne X. Kasperson, Roger E. Kasperson, Susi Moser, and Harry E. Schwarz. Nov. 1993. “Assessing Vulnerability to Extreme Storm Events and Sea-Level Rise Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS.)” In Proceedings, GIs/LIS ’93 Vol. 1, (1993): 201-209.

Greene, R., R. Devillers, B. G. Eddy, and J .E. Luther. GIS-based multiple-criteria decision analysis. Geography Compass 5/6 (2011): 412–432.

Hassan, Hassan M., and Charles Hutchinson. “Natural Resource and Environmental Information for Decision Making.” The World Bank, 1993.

Jiang, H. and Eastman, J.R. “Application of fuzzy measures in multi-criteria evaluation in GIS.” International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 14, no. 2 (2000): 173-184.

Joerin, F., M. Theriault, and A. Musy. “Using GIS and outranking multicriteria analysis for landuse suitability assessment.” International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 15, no. 2 (2001): 153-174.

Kyem, P.A.K “Of Intractable conflicts and Participatory GIS Applications: the Search for consensus amidst Competing claims and Institutional demands.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94, no. 1 (2004): 37-57.

Kyem, P.A.K. “Power, Participation and Inflexible Social Institutions: An examination of the Challenges to Community Empowerment in Participatory GIS Applications.” Cartographica 38, no. 3 & 4 (2001).

Kyem, P.A.K. “Using GIS to Support Multi-Objective Decision Making in Forest Management. An Experience from Ghana, West Africa.” In Multicriteria Evaluation in Forest Management, edited by Klaus von Gadow. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002): 16-29.

Kyem, P.A.K “Promoting local community participation in forest management through a PPGIS application in Southern Ghana.” In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, eds.Will Craig, Trevor Harris and Dan Weiner, Taylor and Francis (2002): 218-231.

Kyem, P.A.K. “A Choice Heuristic Algorithm for Managing Land Resource Allocation Problems Involving Multiple Parties and Conflicting Interests.” Transactions in GIS 5, no. 2 (2000): 113-132.

Lovett, A.A., and N.J. Tate. “A Combined GIS/Geostatistical Analysis of PCB Concentrations in Soil Samples from the Panteg District, South Wales.” In EGIS Proceedings, (1992): 1538-1539.

Malczewski, Jacek. GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999.

McLaren, Shirley A. “Mapping Ski Hill Avalanche Terrain in the Vancouver, B.C., Area,” Earth Observation Magazine, (July 2001): 23-26.

McCalpin,James P. “Geohazards Mapping and Geographic Information Systems.” The Professional Geologist 30, no. 1 (1993): 5-6.

Mendes, Jose F.G. “Multi-criteria accessibility evaluation using GIS as applied to industrial location in Portugal,” Earth Observation Magazine, (2001): 31-35.

Mulando, A.D. “Mitigation strategies of the Bulozi Floodplain (Western Province Zambia.)” In Proceedings: 28th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, (2000): 63-66.

Musakwa, W., Makoni, E. N., Kangethe, M., and Segooa, L.: Developing a decision support system to identify strategically located land for land reform in South Africa, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-2, 197-203, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-2-197-2014, (2014).

Rosenfeld, Charles. “Flood Hazard Reduction.” GeoInfo Systems (1994): 30-37.

Scott, P. C., V. Godard, and C. Benabderrahmane. Modeling risk areas for Echinococcus multilocularis egg survival in an urban park in France. Presented at Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto – SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, INPE. (April 30-May 5, 2011): 5969-5996.

Varma, V. K., I. S. Ferguson, and I. Wild. “Decision support system for the sustainable forest management.” In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. Decision Support, Technology, and Applications. 1998.

Development and Regional Planning

Achilleos, G., S. Dasaklis, N. Athanassopoulou, K. Koutsopoulos. “Cultural Places and National Road Network: Spatial Analysis of the Service Quality. A First Approach.” 1st International Scientific Congress: Tourism and Culture for a Sustainable Development. 1998.

Adem, Esubalew, Anis Chaabani, Nese Yilmaz, Silvena Boteva, Lifu Zhang, Mohamed Elhag. Assessing the impacts of precipitation on water yield estimation in arid environments: Case study in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 39, 2024.

Aguejdad, Rahim and Thomas Houet. “Modeling the Urban Sprawl Using Land Change Modeler on a French Metropolitan Area (Rennes): Forsee the Unpredictable”. Symposium “Spatial Landscape Modelling; From Dynamic Approaches to Functional Evaluations”. Toulouse, France. June 3-5 2008.

Eastman, J. R., and James Toledano. “An Ecological Strategy for Sustainable GIS Technology Transfer.” EIS News (1996): 8-15.

Falconer, Lynne, Donna-Claire Hunter, Trevor C. Telfer, and Lindsay G. Ross. “Visual, Seascape and Landscape Analysis to Support Coastal Aquaculture Site Selection.” Land Use Policy 34 (September 2013): 1–10.

Gumbo, D., J.R. Eastman, James Toledano, M. Snel, and N. Haan. “It takes a village: Assessing social causes of environmental change in Africa.” GeoInfo Systems 10, no. 1 (2000): 22-27.

Haan, N., D. Gumbo, J.R. Eastman, J. Toledano, and M. Snel. “Linking geomatics and participatory social analysis for environmental monitoring: Case studies from Malawi.” Cartographica 37, no. 4 (2002): 21-32.

Hutchinson, Charles F., and James Toledano. “Guidelines for Demonstrating Geographic Information Systems Based on Participatory Development.” International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 7, no. 5 (1993): 453-461.

Kyem, P.A.K. “Embedding GIS Applications into Resource Management and Planning Activities of Local Communities: A Desirable Innovation or a Destabilizing Enterprise?” Journal of Planning Education and Research 20, no. 1 (2001): 176-186.

Kyem, P. A. K. “Diagnosing User’s Perception of Change in the Transfer and Adoption of Geographic Information System’s Technology.” Applied Geographic Studies 3, no. 2 (1999): 1-16.

Lein, J.K. “Sensing sprawl: Towards the monitoring of urban expansion using Dempster-Shafer theory.” Geocarto International 18, no. 2 (2003): 61-70.

Mendes, J.F.G., and W.S. Motizuki. “Urban Quality of Life Evaluation Scenarios: The Case of São Carlos in Brazil University of São Paulo, Brazil.” CTBUH Review 1, no. 2 (2001): 13-22.

Millette, Thomas L. “Vermont Planners Add Image Processing to GIS Tools.” GeoInfo Systems (1992) 42-45.

Moreno-Jimenez, Antonio. “Socio-Spatial Impact Analysis and Site Selection for Controversial Public Facilities with GIS.” In Proceedings: EGIS 1 (1992): 483-491.

Nichol, Janet. E. “Monitoring Singapore’s Microclimate.” GeoInfo Systems (1993): 51-55.

Speed, Vickie. “Heat Islands Unmasked.” GeoInfo Systems 6, no. 11 (1993): 20-21.

Sweitzer, J., and S. Langaas. “Modeling Population Density in the Baltic States Using the Digital Chart of the World and Other Small Scale Data Sets.” Presented at the EUCC/WWF Conference, Coastal Conservation and Management in the Baltic Region. May 2-8 1994.

Thomason, Greg. “Exploring Urban Development Through Cascade GIS Diffusion Models,” Earth Observation Magazine, July/August 1993: (24-27).

Toledano, James, and J.R. Eastman. “The Ecological Approach: A Non-Technical Approach to GIS Implementation.” In Proceedings: AFRICAGIS. 1997.

Tsouchilaraki, A., D. Venieri, G. Dimos, G. Achilleos. “Spatiotemporal and Qualitative Analysis and Evaluation of Urban Green Using a Geographic Information System.” Third International Conference on Cartography and GIS: June 2010.

Earth Trends Modeler

Bolle, H. Analysis of 1989-2004 one km2 AVHRR data with IDRISI ETM. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-5773, EGU General Assembly 2011.

Dronova, I., P. Gong, L. Wang, and L. Zhong. Mapping dynamic cover types in a large seasonally flooded wetland using extended principal component analysis and object-based classification. Remote Sensing of Environment. (2015): 158 (193-206).

Eastman, J.R., F. Sangermano, B. Ghimire, H. Zhu, H. Chen, N. Neeti, Y. Cai., E. A. Machado, and S.C. Crema. Seasonal Trend Analysis of Image Time Series. International Journal of Remote Sensing. (2009): 30(10): 2721-2726.

Eastman, J.R., F. Sangermano, E.A. Machado, J. Rogan, A. Anyamba. Global Trends in Seasonality of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), 1982–2011. Remote Sensing. (2013): 5(10): 4799-4818.

Fensholt, R., and K. Rasmussen. Analysis of trends in the Sahelian ‘rain-use efficiency’ using GIMMS NDVI, RFE and GPCP rainfall data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (2011): 438–451.

Fuller, D.O., M.S. Parenti, A. M. Gad, and J.C. Beier. Land cover in Upper Egypt assessed using regional and global land-cover products derived from MODIS imagery. Remote Sensing Letters, 2012, 3(2): 171-180.

Lanckriet, Sil, Amaury Frankl, Enyew Adgo, Piet Termonia, and Jan Nyssen. Droughts related to quasi‐global oscillations: a diagnostic teleconnection analysis in North Ethiopia. International Journal of Climatology, 2014, 35(7): 1534-1542.

Levy, J.S., and N. C. Ban. A method for incorporating climate change modelling into marine conservation planning: An Indo-west Pacific example. Mar. Policy. 2012.

Neeti, N. and Eastman, J. R.” A Contextual Mann-Kendall Approach for the Assessment of Trend Significance in Image Time Series.” Transactions in GIS, 15 (2011): 599–611.

Neeti, N., J.R. Eastman. Novel Approaches in Extended Principal Component Analysis to Compare Spatio-Temporal Patterns Among Multiple Image Time Series. Remote Sensing of Environment. (2014): 148 (84-96).

Parmentier, Benoit, Neeti Neeti, Elsa Nickl, and Marco Millones. Multichannel Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnection Analysis: A Method for Space–Time Decomposition of Climate Variability. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. (2017): 56, 1897-1919.

Wagner, A.P.L., E. Weber, H. Hasenack, E.V. Klering, and D.C. Fontana. (2001). Variabilidade temporal do NDVI/MODIS na Análise de Remanescentes da Ecorregião das Savanas Uruguaias, Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto – SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 30 de abril a 05 de maio de 2011, INPE. (2011): 5600-5606.

Wagner, A.P.L., E. Weber, H. Hasenack, E.V. Klering, and D.C. Fontana. (2013). Tendencias temporais de indices de vegetacao nos campos do Pampa do Brasil e do Uruguai. Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasilia, v.48, n.9, p.1192-120, set 2013.


Brooker, Simon, Simon I.Hay, Wahab Issae, Andrew Hall, Charles M. Kihamia, Nicholas J. S. Lwambo, William Wint, David J. Rogers, and Don A. P. Bundy. “Predicting the distribution of urinary schistosomiasis in Tanzania using satellite sensor data.” Tropical Medicine & International Health 6, no. 12 (2001): 998-1007.

Das, A., R.L. Subhash, G.E. Glass, T. Shields, and J. Patz. “Modelling a discrete spatial response using generalized linear mixed models: Applications to Lyme disease vectors.” International Journal of Geographic Information Science 16, no. 2 (2002): 151-166.

Estallo, E.L., F. Sangermano, M. Grech, F. Luduena-Almeida, M. Frias-Cespedes, M. Ainete, W. Almiron, and T. Livdahl. “Modelling the distribution of the vector Aedes aegypti in a central Argentine city.” Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2018).

Fuller, D.O., Parenti, M., Hassan, A. N., and J. C. Beier. “Linking land cover and species distribution models to project potential ranges of malaria vectors: an example using anopheles arabiensis in Sudan and Upper Egypt.” Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 264.

Furbee, Paul M., and John Spencer. “Using GIS to Determine Travel Times to Hospitals.” GeoInfo Systems 3, no. 8 (1993): 30-31.

Glass, Gregory E., John M. Morgan III, Dale T. Johnson, Peter M. Noy, Ebenezer Israel, and Brian S. Schwartz. “Infectious Disease Epidemiology and GIS: A Case Study of Lyme Disease.” GeoInfo Systems 2 (1992): 65-69.

Tanser, Frank. Methodology for optimising location of new primary health care facilities in rural communities: a case study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol. 60 no. 10 (2006):846-50.

Tanser, F.C. “The application of GIS technology to equitably distribute fieldworker workload in a large, rural South African health survey.” Tropical Medicine and International Health 7, no. 1 (2001): 80-90.

Tanser F, Bärnighausen T, Cooke G, Newell ML. Localised spatial clustering of HIV infections in a widely-disseminated rural South African epidemic. International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 38 no. 4 (2009): 1008-16.

Tanser Frank, and David Wilkinson. “Spatial implications of the tuberculosis DOTS strategy in rural South Africa: a novel application of geographical information system and global positioning system technologies.” Tropical Medicine & International Health 4, no. 10 (1999): 634-638.

Tanser F, Gijsbertsen B, Herbst K. Modelling and understanding primary health care accessibility and utilization in rural South Africa: An exploration using a geographical information system. Social Science and Medicine, vol. 63 no. 3 (2006): 691-705.

Tanser Frank, V. Hosegood, J. Benzler, and G. Solarsh. “New approaches to spatially analyze primary health care usage patterns in rural South Africa.” Tropical Medicine and International Health 6, no. 10 (2001): 826-838.


Can, Ayse. “TIGER/Line files in teaching GIS.” International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 7, no. 6 (1993): 561-572.
Carstensen, Laurence W. Jr. “GIS at VPI Balances Liberal Arts and Technical Skills,” GIS World, (August 1991): 122-124.

Colville, David, and Roger Mosher. “Nova Scotia School Stresses GIS Programming,” GIS World, (October 1991): 120.

De Cola, Lee, and Adil El Haimus. “Teaching Geographic Concepts with GIS,” GIS World, (May 1995): 68-72.

Dorsey, Michael. “Building a New Window on the World,” WPI Journal, Spring (1992): 24-26.

Fazio, Russ P., and Kathryn Keranen. “GIS Mapping,” The Science Teacher, (1995): 16-19.

Fisher, P.F. “Geographical Information systems software for Teaching.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 13, no. 1 (1989): 69-80.

Gould, Michael. “Spain’s GIS Education Centres Prospering,” GIS Europe, (March 1992): 14-16.

Parent, Phil. “GIS in Higher Education,” GIS World, (March 1990): 78-79.

Parent, Phil. “Building a GIS Laboratory Program,” GIS World, (Feb. 1991): 128-131.

Forestry and Agriculture

Aguilar-Manjarrez, Jose, and Lindsay G. Ross. “Aquaculture Development and GIS,” GIS Europe, (1993): 49-52.

Gilbert, M. “Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests.” In USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NE-236, eds. J.C. Grégoire, A.M. Liebhold, F.M. Stephen, K.R. Day, and S.M. Salom, (1997): 54-61.

Hill, Jennifer L., & Paul J. Curran. “Area, shape and isolation of tropical forest fragments: effects on tree species diversity and implications for conservation.” Journal of Biogeography 30, no. 9 (2003): 1391-1403.

Holmer, B., U. Postgård, and M. Eriksson. “Sky view factors in forest canopies calculated with IDRISI.” Theoretical and Applied Climatology 68, no. 1-2 (2001): 33-40.

Malysheva, N. “Remote Sensing and GIS promote forest monitoring in Russian National Parks,” Earth Observation Magazine, (2002): 12-16.

Murray, Michael P., Stephen C. Bunting, and Penny Morgan. “Fire history of an isolated subalpine mountain range of the Intermountain Region, United States.” Journal of Biogeography 25, no. 6 (1998): 1071-1080.

Salam, M. Abdus, and Lindsay G. Ross. “GIS modelling for aquaculture potential in South-Western Bangladesh.” In Proceedings: GIS and new advances in integrated coastal management conference, Section 12. 1999.

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