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Diana Argiles Castillo doing lab work

At Clark, you can take part in research from the moment you arrive on campus.

Working with world-renowned researchers in the lab, in the field, or in the archives, discover new knowledge, reframe traditional research questions, and transform your passions into solutions to real-world problems.

An Abundance of Options

Undergraduate Research Opportunities


Receive funding to pursue independent research on a topic of your choosing.


Work alongside distinguished faculty members, assisting them with their research.


Conduct integral research in your First-Year Intensive and Problems of Practice courses.

Our Stories

CGRAS celebrates a decade of impact

New director joins ‘community of thinkers’ in addressing social inequity

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Squirmy medicine: Will robot worms heal what ails you?

Soft robots may one day assist with illness diagnoses, medicine delivery

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At the ‘intersections of race, gender, and geopolitics’

Faculty and former directors reflect on CGRAS’ decade of change

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View all Undergraduate Research Stories

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