The Scholarly Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) is a student-operated organization dedicated to the pursuit of truth and knowledge.

Clark University’s Scholarly Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) is the institution’s first student-run undergraduate interdisciplinary research journal. It aims to promote critical thinking, practical application of knowledge, and awareness and recognition of ongoing research throughout the University.
As a completely student-run journal, SURJ members are provided with the opportunity to experience the wide range of publication processes — either as a staff member or an author. Through the collaboration with SURJ’s faculty review boards, the journal seeks to create an avenue for student-faculty partnerships, as well as cross-departmental scholarly dialogue.
Students can become involved with SURJ by joining our peer review or copy editing teams or submitting research. Faculty can become involved by joining the SURJ faculty advisory board.
SURJ accepts submissions in two waves. It is recommended that authors submit their manuscripts for the first wave so that they will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit in the second wave if their article is not accepted. The deadlines for each wave of submissions are the following:
- Deadline I: Nov. 5, 2021 at midnight
- Deadline II: TBA

Volume V
It is serendipitous that we are celebrating 50 years of the Robert H. Goddard Library as we celebrate five years of SURJ. As an attempt to toast this, we celebrate the history, beauty, and importance of the library in the community’s consciousness as a center of knowledge on campus. The five pieces featured in this year’s issue will give you a glimpse into the scholarship and dialogue on campus.