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Your Capstone will draw on all you’ve learned during your first three years at Clark.

You’ll complete a Capstone in your major independently or as part of a group. This endeavor will involve advanced work that addresses a significant issue, problem, or theme in your field — or in the world. It can take the form of a thesis or project; in consultation with a faculty adviser, you will define and carry forward the project on your own initiative.

Students pursue research, internships, and theses on campus, in Worcester, or in another part of the world. Capstone projects encompass a spectacular range of topics and opportunities. Past projects have included:

  • A documentary chronicling an Armenian NGO’s peace-building efforts
  • Clinical rotations in the emergency department and other areas of Bellevue Hospital
  • A study of community-building in Lebanese refugee camps
  • An internship at a sustainable farm in Massachusetts
  • Summer course instruction on government and history to low-income middle school students
  • An analysis of governmentality in Namibian development policy
  • An investigation of rural resistance to gold mining in northeast Thailand
  • Creation of a training manual for the Salem Witch Museum to provide new employees with not only a history of the Salem and European witch trials, but also instruction in public speaking
  • A method for applying machine learning to digit recognition
  • Research on the effects of ethnonationalism on gentrification in Haifa, Israel
  • An accessibility extension for Google Chrome
  • A laboratory-based study of the biochemical and biophysical aspects of a specific protein
  • An internship at an urban architecture conservation firm in Bogotá, Colombia