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Roots of the Bosnian Genocide

Between 1992 and 1995, Bosnian Serb forces humiliated, sexually abused, tortured, and killed Bosnian Muslims and Croats in a widespread, systematic way as part of the armed conflicts occurring across the former Yugoslavia.

Sponsored by: Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Beyond Apocalypse: Imagining Climate Futures

Clark University, Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons - 2nd Floor 36 Maywood Street, Worcester, MA, United States

In this virtual lecture, Professor Ursula Heise (UCLA) will explore recent climate change narratives from different parts of the world – including North America, South America, and South East Asia – and the ways in which they negotiate the tension between large-scale disasters and the new normalcy of everyday life under conditions of climate change.

Beyond Apocalypse: Imagining Climate Futures

Clark University, Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons - 2nd Floor

Professor Ursula K. Heise, UCLA   Novelists, journalists, film directors and artists have created fictional and nonfictional stories about anthropogenic climate change for the last fifty years. The majority of […]

Sponsored by: Alice Coonley Higgins Institute for Arts and Humanities

Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and the Idea of Race

Clark University, Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons - 2nd Floor 36 Maywood Street, Worcester, MA, United States

Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou (College of the Holy Cross) examines Kant’s discussion of enslavement and colonialism in his essay, “Toward Perpetual Peace” (1795). Clark University's Cara Berg Powers offers commentary.

Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and the Idea of Race

Clark University, Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons - 2nd Floor

  Some scholars argue that Kant is a universal egalitarian, which can be seen in his cosmopolitan philosophy. In the essay “Toward Perpetual Peace” (1795), Kant supposedly offers provisions that […]

Sponsored by: Alice Coonley Higgins Institute for Arts and Humanities

Clark Faculty & Staff Workshop: A Gentle Introduction to Minimal Computing and Digital Humanities

Clark University, ASEC 202

Dr. Alex Gil Fuentes (Yale University) in collaboration with Dr. Eduard Arriaga-Arango (Clark University) will present a faculty workshop exploring Digital Humanities (DH) from a minimal computing perspective. Drawing on examples and experiences from their own DH practice, they will discuss how the DH landscape has evolved in the last decade, becoming a complex and […]

Sponsored by: Alice Coonley Higgins Institute for Arts and Humanities

Alumni & Friends Virtual Book Club


Join the Alumni & Friends Book Club on Thursday, March 23, as we honor Women's History Month. Clark's University Librarian, Laura Robinson, will lead us through a discussion about the […]

The Latine Vote

How do we make sense of the politics of such a diverse and changing demographic as the Latine voters?