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Why Study Education?

Quality education for equal opportunity

Quality education for all is an elusive goal, particularly in our cities. Whether you’re interested in learning about education for its own sake, or you’re thinking of teaching as a profession, our education minor lets you investigate this challenge through a focus on urban school reform, neighborhood renewal, and underserved communities.

As a student in the education minor, you’ll work closely with Clark faculty —and with public-school teachers and administrators (many of whom are Clark alumni) — to support these important efforts. In addition to taking action-based and research-focused courses, you can put what you learn into practice through our network of local partner schools, including the nationally renowned University Park Campus School, a partnership between Clark and the Worcester Public Schools. You also can incorporate one of our four-course sequences in human services or school psychology into your education curriculum.

While you can combine this minor with any major, it’s an especially good fit (although not a requirement) for students who want to apply to Clark’s accelerated master's degree in teaching, with the fifth year of study tuition-free for eligible students. Majors for which a minor in education is especially relevant include international development and social change, psychology, and sociology.

Minimum number of courses to complete this minor: 6

Hands-On Learning

As a complement to this minor, you can engage in a variety of related experiential learning opportunities, including internships, study abroad, and research.


A foundation in education is an asset to those seeking careers in fields like teaching, school administration, corporate training, public administration, library science, and museum work.