Laura Graves
Professor, School of Business
Professor Emeritus, School of Business
Research interests include workplace motivation, work-life integration, corporate environmental sustainability, managing diversity.
- Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Connecticut, 1982
- M.A. in Social Psychology, University of Connecticut, 1980
- B.A. in Psychology, College of William and Mary, 1977
Affiliated Department(s)
- School of Business
Scholarly and Creative Works
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4 Keys to Mastering Remote Work
Working from home-strategies for success
Working from home -- strategies for success
Managing virtual workers -- strategies for success
Engineering Management Review
Vol. 48
Issue #2
Women and men in management
Chapter: Working in Diverse teamsPublished by Sage
Women and men in management
Chapter: Making employment decisionsPublished by Sage
Employee pro environmental behaviors in Russia: The roles of top management commitment, managerial leadership, and employee motives.
Resources, Conservation, and Recycling
Vol. 140
Virtual work and need for recovery
SOM Research Seminar
Worcester, MA
Sponsored by SOM
The role of employees' perceptions of leaders, values, and motivation in employees' proenvironmental behaviors
Journal of Cleaner Production
Vol. 196
Thriving in leadership roles: The importance of autonomous motivation.
Positive Organizational Scholarship
Ann Arbor, MI
Sustainability segments in organizations: How differences in views affect progress on sustainability
Decision Sciences Institute
Austin, TX
Motivating your managers: What's the right strategy?
Center for Creative Leadership
Motivating your managers to want to do what they need to do
Association for Talent Development
More than money - promoting managers' internal motivation
Vol. 53
Issue #4
To reduce turnover - focus on employee motivation
Vol. 2
Issue #2
American Management Association
Understanding managers' motivational profiles: Nature, Antecedents and Consequences
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Managerial leadership and employee pro environmental behavior
Academy of Management
Managerial motivational profiles: Composition, antecedents, and consequences.
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Issue #87
The scales of work and life: Moving work-life balance research forward
Self-determination at work: Understanding the role of leader-member exchange
Motivation and Emotion
Vol. 37
Motivation at work: What matters more, generation or organizational level?
Consulting Psychology Journal
Vol. 65
How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee pro environmental behavior in China
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Vol. 35
Environmental leadership: A reference handbook
Chapter: Fostering employee pro environmental behavior: The impact of leadership and motivationPublished by Sage
Managing the new workforce: International perspectives on the millennial generation
Chapter: Perceptions of authority and leadership: A cross-generational investigationPublished by Edward Elgar
Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers' outcomes
Journal of Management
Vol. 38
Women and men in management
Chapter: Making employment decisionsPublished by Sage
Women and men in management
Chapter: Working in diverse teamsPublished by Sage
The Oxford handbook of personnel psychology
Chapter: Sex and race discrimination in personnel decisionsPublished by Oxford University Press
Gender, race, and ethnicity in the workforce: issues and challenges for today's organizations
Chapter: Developing men and women leaders: The influence of personal life experiencesPublished by Praeger
Handbook of women in business and management
Chapter: Sex, sex similarity, and sex diversity effects in teams: The importance of situational factorsPublished by Edward Elgar
Family ties: Managers can benefit from personal lives
Leadership in Action
Vol. 26
Issue #6
Commitment of family roles: Effects on managers' attitudes and performance
Journal of Applied Psychology
Vol. 92
Sex differences and similarities in communication
Chapter: Gender and leadership: Perceptions and realitiesPublished by Lawrence Erlbaum
Sex and sex dissimilarity effects in ongoing teams: Some surprising findings
Human Relations
Vol. 58
Issue #2
The employment interview handbook
Chapter: Are some interviewers better than others?Published by Sage
Handbook of gender and work
Chapter: Gender bias in interviews' evaluations of applicants: When and how does it occur?Published by Sage
College recruitment: Removing personal bias from selection decisions
Vol. 66
Issue #3
Demographic diversity in decision making groups; The experiences of women and people of color
Academy of Management Review
Vol. 22
The employee selection interview: A fresh look at an old problem
Human Resource Management Journal
Vol. 35
Issue #2
Sex similarity, quality of the employment interview, and recruiters' evaluations of actual applicants
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Vol. 69
The effect of sex similarity on recruiters' evaluations of actual applicants: A test of the similarity-attraction paradigm
Vol. 48
Effects of sex-based preferential selection and discrimination on job attitudes
Human Relations
Vol. 47
Assessing person-organization fit in personnel selection
International Journal of Selection and Assessment
Vol. 2
Sources of individual differences in interviewer effectiveness: A model and implications for future research
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Vol. 14
Validity research: Do academic and organizational interests really differ?
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Vol. 14
Interviewer decision processes and effectiveness: An experimental policy capturing investigation
Personnel Psychology
Vol. 45
Issue #2
An investigation of sex discrimination in recruiters' evaluations of actual applicants
Journal of Applied Psychology
Vol. 73
Issue #1
Connecting your dissertation to the real world
Effects of leader persistence and environmental complexity on leadership perceptions: Do implicit beliefs discourage adaptation to complex environments?
Group and Organization Studies
Vol. 10
Issue #1
Superwoman: Coping with the demands of work and home
Conference on Understanding and Surviving the Academic Marketplace, School of Education, University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Everyday views of leadership and their impact on subordinate satisfaction
Presentation to Executive Advisory Board of the University of Connecticut Department of Management
Hartford, Connecticut
Multidimensional scaling
Department of Management, University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Performance appraisal systems
Connecticut Association for Human Services Conference
Waterbury, Connecticut
Selecting employees: Techniques for improving satisfaction and reducing turnover
Executive Roundtable, Institute for Nonprofit Training and Development, Hartford Graduate Center
Hartford, Connecticut
Who gets hired? Gender bias in employee selection
Massachusetts Association for Women in Education
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Exploring cultural diversity
Bethune Multicultural Center
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Psychology in the Workplace
Opportunities in Psychology, Career Exploration Panel
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Commitment to nonwork roles: Effects on managers' work performance, work attitudes, and well-being
Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Commitment to family roles: Effects on managers' work attitudes and performance
Center for Creative Leadership
Greensboro, North Carolina
Gryphon & Pleiades Honor Society Leadership Conference
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Women and money: Not an oxymoron
MassBay Community College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Does commitment to family roles hinder managers' work lives?
Women's Forum
Worcester, Massachusetts
Effects of managers' motives for work: The role of perceived organizational support
University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology
Storrs, Connecticut
Make your meetings better
Clark University
Managerial motivational profiles
GSOM Research Seminar
Clark University
What motivates us at work?
First Friday
Clark University
Sustainability segments in organizations: How differences in views affect progress on sustainability
GSOM Research Seminar
Virtual work and need for recovery
GSOM Research Seminar
Managerial performance assessment and factors affecting managerial performance
Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, California
New Perspectives on organizational performance
Eastern Academy of Management, Boston, MA
Issues in leadership and management
Arlington, Virginia
Dispatch from the corporate environment
Academy of Management
Women's career advancement
Academy of Management
Voluntary and involuntary turnover
Academy of Management
Gender and careers: Risk taking and developmental experiences among executive women
Academy of Management
New Directions in work/family research
Academy of Management
Race, age, and affirmative action
Eastern Academy of Management
Montreal, Canada
Dual career couples
Third Annual Conference on Women and Organizations
Management practices in Pacific Rim nations
Eastern Academy of Management, Third International Conference
Hong Kong
Issues in staffing and compensation
Eastern Academy of Management
Buffalo, New York
Is fair pay empowering?
Eastern Academy of Management
Hartford, Connecticut
Stress and type A behavior
Eastern Academy of Management, Fourth International Conference
Nice, France
Organizational justice and fairness in HRM
Eastern Academy of Management
Providence, Rhode Island
Measuring organizational behavior constructs
Eastern Academy of Management
Albany, New York
Demographic diversity in organizational settings: Implications for human resources management and leadership practices
Academy of Management
Voluntary and involuntary turnover
Academy of Management
How leaders shape organizations
Academy of Management
Work and family: Balance, conflict, and interference
Academy of Management
Honolulu, Hawaii
And justice for all? Antecedents and consequences of perceived discrimination
Academy of Management
Stigmatization of men, caregivers, and sexual minorities
Academy of Management
Consequences of diversity: An asset or stigma?
Methodological, theoretical, and empirical approaches to career transitions
Unchartered territory in work-family research
Exploring the intersection of race and gender: A research workshop
On our 20th year: Gender and Diversity in Organizations and Women in Management--Past, present, and future
The effects rape publicity on likelihood estimates, responsibility attributions, and preventative behaviors
Eastern Psychological Association
Hartford, Connecticut
The effects of perceptual salience and subject orientation on attributions of responsibility for a rape
Eastern Psychological Association
New York
Women's implicit theories of leadership
International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women
Haifa, Israel
The structure of implicit leadership theory: An exploratory study
Eastern Psychological Association
Implicit leadershi theory: A multidimensional model of supervisory behavior
American Institute for Decision Sciences
San Francisco
Implicit leadership theory: A comparison to two-dimensional leadership theory
Attributions of causality for group performance as a function of sex, leadership style, and group performance
Academy of Management
The use of undergraduates and working MBA students in casual attribution leadership research
Eastern Academy of Management
Sex discrimination in the recruitment process: Does it exist outside the laboratory?
Academy of Management
Measuring the true effectiveness of training programs: An experiential exercise in human resources management
Predicting organizational behavior from office environments: A field exercise
Behaving on paper: An exercise in written organizational behavior
Eastern Academy of Management
Individual differences in employment interviewers' decision processes: A policy capturing approach
Academy of Management
San Francisco
Assessing person-organization ft in personnel selection: An evaluation of alternative techniques
Academy of Management
Effects of sex-based preferential selection and discrimination on job attitudes
Academy of Management
Las Vegas
Effect of sex similarity on recruiters' evaluations of actual applicants: A test of the similarity-attraction paradigm
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Effect of sex similarity on recruiters' evaluations of applicants: Is communication a mediator?
Academy of Management
Team dynamics as a predictor of empowerment: A field study
APA-NIOSH Conference on Occupational Stress and Health
Washington, D.C.
A case example: Four perspectives on developing research questions and selecting research methodologies
Academy of Management
Individual differences in interviewers' decision processes: An agenda for a new generation of research
Academy of Management
Time and team member diversity: A longitudinal study of decision making groups
Academy of Management
Explaining discrimination in the workplace: Working toward a general theory
British Academy of Management
Edinburgh, Scotland
Explanations for discrimination in the workplace: How well do they apply across target groups?
Houston, TX
Commitment to family roles: Effects on managers' work attitudes and performance
Academy of management
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sex, sex similarity, and sex diversity in ongoing teams: Controversies, evidence, and research directions
British Academy of Management
Oxford, UK
Commitment to family roles: Help or hindrance to managerial success?
Syracuse University conference on Diversity as a Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy
Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Effect of workaholism on managerial performance: Help or hindrance?
diversity in organizations
Academy of Management
The questions we ask about balancing work and life: Learning from our colleagues
Academy of Management, Anaheim
Perceived organizational support: An antecedent of autonomous motivation
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Atlanta, GA
Toward understanding the effect of leader-member exchange: Need satisfaction in the workplace
Eastern Academy of Management
Autonomous and controlled motivation in managerial work: Effects of perceived organizational support
Academy of Management
Montreal, Canada
Effects of LMX on employee attitudes: The role of need satisfaction and autonomous motivation
Academy of Management
Montreal, Canada
Managerial promotability: The roles of supervisor support and mentoring subordinates
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Understanding employee pro-environmental behavior: A test of a theoretical model
Best Paper Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Management
San Antonio
Managerial derailment: When political skill and prosocial impact matter
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
San Diego
Work-family culture and work performance: Does a supportive culture enhance performance?
Work and Family Researchers Network
New York
Perceptions of authority and leadership: A cross-national, cross-generational investigation
Academy of Management
When political skill matters to leader effectiveness ratings: The role of perceived prosocial impact
Academy of Management
Understanding the nature and consequences of managers' work motivation: A latent profile modeling approach
Fifth International Conference on Self-Determination Theory
Rochester, N.Y.
Employee pro environmental behavior: Understanding the roles of organizational values, employee values and employee motivation
Fifth International Conference on Self-Determination Theory
Rochester, N.Y.
Assistant wanted: An employment interview: An experiential exercise
San Diego: University Associates
Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures, and Practices
Measuring the true effectiveness of training programs: An experiential exercise
Predicting organizational behavior from office environments: A field exercise
Behaving on paper: An exercise on communicating effectively in writing
Affirmative action: Avoiding negative consequences
Legislative assistant wanted
Newbury Park; CA
Teaching diversity
Sex differences in implicit theories of leadership: An initial investigation
Salience and assignment of blame to victims
Awards & Grants
The impact of economic conditions on the employee-organizational relationship
Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Foundation
Feb. 1, 2021
Employee outcomes and perceptions of organizational support during economic turbulence: An empirical study
National Science Foundation, Innovation and Organization Sciences
Feb. 1, 2021