
Your Career Resources Toolkit
The Career Connections Center is here to help you fill your career exploration toolkit with resources that can help you strengthen your job search, prepare for all stages of the employment process, build your professional network, and so much more. Below are some of the resources you’ll need to navigate the path from college to life after Clark.

Explore Resources Based on How You Identify
The Career Connections Center supports students of all identities and backgrounds to consider how intersecting identities might impact career interests, work choices, and professional development. This curated list of identity-conscious resources can help you explore based on how you identify.
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Search for Career Resources Based on Topic
Find many of the tools you need to get ready for life after Clark in our Career Resources Library. Search for specific resources by topic, like networking and professional communication, or browse the library to build your career resource toolkit.
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Prepare for Each Stage of the Employment Process
Need a professional resume or cover letter review? Seeking help setting up your LinkedIn or Handshake profile? Want to practice for an upcoming interview? The Career Lab is here to help you prepare for each stage of the employment process, from application to interview.
Learn MoreDigital Tools to Make Your Search Easier

Clark’s virtual community gives you unprecedented access to alumni mentors, alumni advertised opportunities, and career communities for guidance and networking.
Log Into ClarkCONNECT
Handshake is an online platform that gives you easy access to thousands of job and internship postings, campus career events — and employers.
Log Into Handshake
What Can I Do With This Major?
Whether you are exploring multiple majors or searching for information about your chosen field, “What Can I Do With This Major?” will help you connect major disciplines to possible careers, as well as suggest strategies to make you a more marketable candidate.
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The Strong Interest Inventory is a career assessment tool that helps identify well-suited career paths, based on self-reported areas of interest. Measuring career interests and workplace preference, it can be used for career exploration, choosing a major/minor, and career development. To learn more about the Strong and take the assessment, schedule an appointment with a career adviser on Handshake.

LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an on-demand learning platform designed to help you gain and practice new skills. With more than 20,000 virtual courses and training videos, there is something useful for everyone on LinkedIn Learning! All students at Clark University have free access to this platform.
Sign into Linkedin Learning
Firsthand (formerly Vault)
Firsthand provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s like to work within an industry, company, or profession. Find current job openings, rankings, ratings, and reviews on employers and internship programs, research about companies, schools, internships, and industries, and advice on resumes, interviews, networking, and more.
Access FirsthandCareer Connections Center
Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
939 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610
1-508-421-3752 Fax
The Career Lab offers on-demand reviews of resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles 12 – 4 pm weekdays. Upload your documents, or make an appointment for the Career Lab on Handshake!