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Costs and Scholarships

How will you pay for your experience?

Clark University approves a variety of programs at different price points.  Most students will apply for additional scholarship funds to offset their costs.  Be sure to start the scholarship process EARLY so you will know exactly how much money you have to budget for.


  • Students Clark account will be billed current, actual Clark tuition directly by Clark for each semester away. Any financial aid or scholarships that you receive from Clark will still be applied to your Clark bill that semester.
  • In addition to tuition, an administrative fee will be placed on the student account for EACH term away.
  • Students do not pay housing to Clark for the semester away, but will pay their housing costs to the program. Housing fees vary from approximately $2,000-$7,000.  Students should check what the cost of housing will be and ensure that they are able to pay those costs.
  • Students are responsible for all personal expenses while away. These fees vary from year to year and we recommend that you check the website of your host institution to see if further information is available.
  • Students may view a full budget reference sheet for all approved programs here. This will give you an idea of costs for housing, flights, visas and other expenses.
Clark Approved Programs:
    • Students account will be billed Clark tuition  and fees directly by Clark for each semester away
    • Students will be billed by program for housing or non-tuition fees such as meal stipends, local travel or deposits.
    • Students are responsible for all personal expenses while away. There might be fees for using a gym, clubs, computers, laundry, transportation, books, cell phones, etc. These fees vary from year to year and we recommend that you check the website of your host institution to see if further information is available.
    • Clark will pay program’s tuition/academic fees
      • Tuition payments are set by Clark University Student Accounts and the exact due date will appear on the students bill.  Failure to satisfy financial obligations to Clark University or the host institution by the due date may result in withdrawal from the program.


Non-Clark and Summer Programs:
  • Students pay all program fees directly to  program.
  • Students pay no fees to Clark for the semester  away, except in some cases, international health insurance.
  • Students are responsible for all personal expenses while away. There might be fees for using a gym, clubs, computers, laundry, transportation, books, cell phones, etc. These fees vary from year to year and we recommend that you check the website of your host institution to see if further information is available.
Clark Approved Programs
  • Students may still access all Clark-awarded financial aid and scholarships; as well as federal and state aid (except work study, so consult with the Office of Financial Assistance in advance in order to apply for a different form of aid)
  • If you receive a Stafford Loan, be sure to check with Financial Aid about the length of time needed to process any paperwork.
  • It is critical for students to talk to the Office of Financial Assistance and Student Accounts to see how and when their aid is distributed, and whether there will be any changes to their overall financial aid package.
  • Study Abroad provides Budget Sheets that you can use as a tool when planning your semester financially
Non-Clark Programs
  • Students CANNOT access Clark-awarded aid or scholarships for non-Clark programs in the semester or summer
  • State and federal aid may still be applied during the semester
  • State and federal aid are likely not be applied in the summer.   Students may NOT be eligible to apply for a Federal Direct PLUS Loan.


  • Start early with researching scholarships!
  • You do not have to be admitted to your program to apply; many deadlines may come up BEFORE your program application is due!
  • These are just a sampling of the scholarships that may be available and we encourage students to do their own research, in addition to our suggestions below.
  • Here is a running Excel list of scholarships that we are aware of.  Sort through and narrow the list down to 3-5 that might be good for you and let us know how we can help you apply!

Program-Specific Scholarships

Almost all of Clark’s approved partners will offer scholarships to help defray the cost of their own programs. Usually students apply to these scholarships at the time of submitting their application to the program and any scholarships won will generally come off of your total housing bill to the program.

Clark University Sponsored Scholarships

  • Deadline in late October for Spring study abroad
  • Open to declared political science majors
  • See and apply through the Clark On-Campus Funding Portal for more information
  • Robert J.S. Ross Social Justice Summer Internship
  • Deadline: March – Contact Sociology Dept. for more information

External Scholarship Opportunities

  • The Gilman Scholarship is for Federal Pell Grant recipients only.
    • Applicants should meet with Clark Study Abroad before submitting an application. (Appointments should be scheduled at least one week before the deadline.)
    • Deadlines in March (for Fall and Academic Year) and October (for Spring)

The Boren Awards for International Study is run by the National Security Education Program – NSEP – and is awarded to motivated students studying in areas of the world deemed “critical” to the US Department of State.

  • Fund for Education Abroad  open to all students, with emphasis on underrepresented students;
    • Rainbow scholarship specific for LGBTQI-identifying students 
    • Deadline is normally in the academic year PRIOR to application of program
  • Critical Language Scholarship – a summer study abroad opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world. See website for full list of languages eligible.

Region Specific Scholarships

  • Study Australia – Australian-government provided scholarships to study in Australia
  • East-West Center Scholarships & Fellowships: Almost any student interested in studying abroad in the Oceania region can find a fellowship or scholarship opportunity through East-West Center. Click here to learn more.
  • American-Australian Education Fund: Open to U.S. students who are interested in  studying abroad in Australia. The application period is from September 1st to October 15th each year. Click here to learn more.
  • Education New Zealand ScholarshipsClick here to learn more.
  • Spanish Studies Abroad Scholarship: The Center for Cross-Cultural Studies offers merit- and diversity-based $500-$1,500 scholarships for students enrolled in their Spanish programs in Puerto Rico. Click here to learn more.

Students attending programs in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa are encouraged to seek scholarship funding through their program provider. SIT, SFS, CIEE and AIFS all offer generous and ample scholarship opportunities for our approved programs on the African continent.


  1. In your scholarship essay, connect your past experience to your study abroad goals. Why do you want to study abroad? What has prepared you for it?
  2. Be honest and passionate in every part of the application. Passion really does shine through!
  3. Tell your story.  Make the reader know why you, above all the other applicants, are uniquely eligible for such a scholarship. How will you bring diversity to your program? What challenges have you had to face in your life? Don’t assume the reader knows ANYTHING about you!
  4. Show your willingness to embrace diversity. You will inevitably face diversity, culture shock, and obstacles while abroad, and we want all of our scholarship recipients to be ready for that! We search for students who show perseverance and open-mindedness above all else.
  5. Research your destination and be specific about why you are going there and what you will do.  How does it relate to your academics and your career?
Contact Information

Study Abroad and Away Programs

See Us
  • Corner House
    142 Woodland Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7363