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  1. The purpose of a list must be to further or augment one of the primary activities of the University, which include education, research, and teaching. Examples of such purposes include:
    • work-related activity
    • classroom instruction
    • research
    • University administration
    • announcements by student clubs and organizations registered with the University
  2. Mass mailing lists are intended for: announcements of campus events and deadlines; changes in campus policies, procedures, organizations or departments; and notification of the availability of services and/or facilities, for example. Mass mailing lists are NOT, however, intended for messages such as those of a personal nature, those soliciting support for charity or special causes not connected with a university effort, those expressing personal opinion or that support public debate or campaigning (unless this is the list’s express purpose), giveaways, unverified public service announcements (such as virus alerts, unsafe products, etc.), or chain mail.
  3. Under no circumstances can a list be used to participate in or promote activities that are illegal, violate the Code of Student Conduct, or the Policy on the Acceptable Use of Clark University Computing Resources.
  4. ITS will not automatically add members to lists from University or individual databases. The list owner or the individual members of a list are responsible for subscribing or unsubscribing members to the lists. List owners should use the web browser interface to add or remove members from the list in bulk. When absent, the list owner must ensure that an alternate or designee performs list maintenance tasks without sharing their Clark Account username and password (an AUP violation). The designation of an alternate is required for list creation.
  5. The list owner (or alternate) must read email directed to the list regularly, preferably daily.
  6. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to attempt to falsify his or her identity in any action associated with a list.
  7. In the event that a list is running without a list owner, due to a retirement, re-location, graduation, etc., ITS will have no alternative but to remove the list. ITS is not responsible for finding a new list owner to assume responsibility for an existing list, nor is it possible for ITS to maintain lists for individuals in their absence.
  8. If a situation arises where a list is interfering with normal operation of the list server, campus network, or other parts of the campus-computing infrastructure, ITS will attempt to notify the list owner to rectify the problem. ITS will disable the list if the problem is not corrected promptly.

Other Factors Associated with List Creation and Operation

An application for establishing a list will be processed by the ITS Help Desk prior to its creation. It may take up to 5 business days to process a list request. A mailing list may not be the appropriate solution for all purposes. A different electronic communication technology might better serve the purpose of a particular request. Also, the Help Desk may ask for additional documentation regarding the establishment of a list, including, but not limited to, proof of official student group recognition. Other considerations that may affect the status of a list request include the relevance of the list to education, research, or the administrative activities at Clark University and the capacity of available list server computing resources. If there is reason to believe that the list would be used for illegal or unethical purposes, that list will not be established.

Violators of the policies and guidelines described above will be subject to the removal of privileges to receive messages from the lists and/or send to the lists. Use of lists for distribution of materials that violate State, Federal, or Clark University rules will result in action by the appropriate authorities, including the University Judicial Board.

Lists will be periodically reviewed for activity and continued conformance to the current list server policies. Those that are inactive or fail to conform to policy will be removed. Lists associated with courses will be removed at the end of each semester or at the conclusion of the course, unless other arrangements are made. Those associated with student organizations require annual renewal for their continuation. Those associated with academic departments or administrative offices require biannual renewal for their continuation. The mailing list administrator will contact list owners prior to removal of the list.

Contact Information

ITS Help Desk

Call or Email
Fall 2024 Hours
    • Monday – Friday: 8 am – 12 am
    • Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
    • Saturday: 12 pm – 5 pm
    • Sunday: 12 pm – 12 am