Clark subscribes to two Turnitin products:
Turnitin Originality is a tool that allows students and faculty to analyze written work and checks for citation mistakes, inappropriate use of text from other resources, and accidental or purposeful plagiarism.
Turnitin Feedback Studio is a tool that helps faculty offer effective and efficient feedback on student papers by offering in-browser markup, audio feedback options, integrated rubrics and a library of frequently used comments.
Both of these tools are fully integrated with and accessed through Clark’s Canvas environment.
Turnitin Guides
- For Students
- For Faculty: How to Guides
- For Faculty: Best Practices
- Technical Support
- ITS Help Desk
- 508 793 7745
- Writing Support
- Research Support
Before the Semester
Consider your assignments: Authentic, scaffolded assignments can be challenging to plagiarize.
Understand the tool: Become familiar with the tool by watching our videos, reading our instructions, and running sample papers.
Add Turnitin to your syllabus: If you plan on using Turnitin, we strongly recommend including a disclosure in your syllabus. Click here for a sample statement.
Make a plan, and know the policies: Brush up on institutional and departmental policies on how to deal with suspected plagiarism. Make (and share) a plan on how you will work with students who need intervention.
Consider your settings: Turnitin has a wide range of options when setting up your assignment. Click here to learn more about some important choices.
Before the Assignment
Discuss with your students: Even if you mention it in your syllabus, spend some time discussing your choice to use Turnitin
Encourage testing: Encourage your students to submit a test submission so that they can feel comfortable with the process.
Offer support: Leverage the expertise of departments across campus by encouraging students to visit the writing center, library support, or the ITS Help Desk for a variety of support.
When Grading
Interpret the report carefully: The Originality Report and Score is not definitive, and each instructor needs to interpret the report carefully. Click here for a video on how to read the report.
Leverage other Turnitin tools: Turnitin offers a range of tools to help make grading more effective and efficient including in-browser mark-up, comment libraries, audio feedback and rubrics.
Full Article
Frequently Asked Questions
What Turnitin products does Clark provide?
Turnitin Originality is a tool that allows students and faculty to analyze written work and checks for citation mistakes, inappropriate use of text from other resources, and accidental or purposeful plagiarism.
Turnitin Feedback Studio is a tool that helps faculty offer effective and efficient feedback on student papers by offering in-browser markup, audio feedback options, integrated rubrics and a library of frequently used comments.
(Faculty) What should I add to my syllabus if I plan on using Turnitin?
If you plan to use Turnitin in a course, we strongly recommend including a disclosure in your syllabus. Feel free to use the sample text below.
Some assignments in this course may be submitted to Turnitin via Canvas. Turnitin is a service that generates a report on the originality of your writing by comparing it with a database of periodicals, books, online content, student papers, and other published work. This report can help you discern when you are using sources fairly, citing properly, and paraphrasing effectively—skills essential to all academic work.
If submitting a paper to an assignment that requires Turnitin, we recommend that you submit it early enough to review your Turnitin report before the final due date. Then, if necessary, you will have time to ask for help from your instructor, TA or from the Writing Center or Library.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be submitted for textual similarity review to All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site. Students who do not agree should contact the course instructor immediately.
(Student) How do I know if my assignment will be checked with Turnitin?
Faculty members are strongly encouraged to include a statement in their syllabus if using Turnitin. Additionally, when submitting work to Turnitin through Canvas, you’ll be presented with a statement that outlines the use of the tool.
(Student) Why do I have a high score in my Originality Report even though I didn’t plagiarize?
A high score in your Originality report could mean a number of things outside of having plagiarized. Commonly, students with high scores just need to more carefully include correct citations, paraphrasing or referencing of your resources. In this case consider seeking support
- The Goddard Library can offer student support about how to correctly use resources in your written work.
- The Writing Center can offer individual conferences.
Less commonly, it’s possible that you submitted a previous draft or other work using similar text, someone else copied your essay and submitted it or if you worked with a collaborator, that the person who wrote your essay with you, plagiarized.
The Originality Score and Report are not a definitive indication of plagiarism and faculty need to interpret the work in the context it’s offered.
(Student) Do I lose the rights to my written work if it’s submitted to Turnitin?
The rights to your work are always your own, whether or not your work is in the Turnitin content database. Student papers may be removed only by request of the class instructor. Also, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit unanimously affirmed that Turnitin’s archiving of work was not a copyright infringement because it falls within the fair use exception. Please see Turnitin’s Privacy and Security page for more information.
(Faculty) How do I check a single paper with Turnitin?
Using Turnitin through Canvas and allowing all students to submit their work is our recommendation in order to support student learning and transparency.
If you have the need to submit a single paper, you can do so by accessing Turnitin directly. Click here to log in with your Clark credentials. From there you can create a Turnitin class and assignment and submit the paper for review.
- Turnitin Support (choose Instructor)
- Contact your ATS liaison for more support.
ITS Help Desk
Academic Commons, Plaza Level
- Friday, Oct. 11: 8 am – 5 pm
- Saturday, Oct. 12: Closed
- Sunday, Oct. 13: Closed
- Monday, Oct. 14: Closed
- Tuesday, Oct. 15: 8 am – 12am