Poster Printing
In support of Clark University faculty and student research collaborations, Information Technology Services provides, for a low cost, large format poster printing services in support of curricular and University objectives. These include:
- ClarkFEST
- Graduate Multi-disciplinary Conference
The information below provides guidance for creating posters and organizing a poster event on campus. If you still have questions after reading all of the resources below, please contact us for assistance.
We are equipped for standard academic and conference presentation poster printing. We are not a full-service professional print shop. If you require very large posters, professional imaging, color separation or poster printing from other applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), you may be better served an off-site vendor.
- Printing Guide
- FAQ’s
- Event Poster Printing
We reserve the right to refuse requests that do not follow these guidelines. If, for any reason, we are not able to print the file you submit, we will contact you as quickly as possible to let you know.
Click below for useful information on how to design your poster.
Complete design guidelinesDesign your poster
- Download and read Design Guidelines .
- Download Common Poster PPT Templates.
- If necessary, download Clark logos.
- Backgrounds, large photos and significant areas of solid color or gray scale are generally not advised. Posters that exceed approximately 30% ink coverage may incur an ink surcharge.
Check your sizing
- Posters can be printed on either 36 or 42 inch wide paper.
- If you’re using PowerPoint, check your slide size under the Design tab.
- Ensure that your poster meets any specific sizing requirements set by your event or by your professor.
Understand Pricing and Payment
- Payment is required at the time of pickup.
- Payment is accepted in cash, interdepartmental requisition, or event credit only.
- Participants may be provided with an event credit for poster printing. Check with your sponsor to determine if this is an option for you.
- Charges that exceed an event credit must be paid in cash.
- Check exact pricing for poster printing here.
- A 36×48 matte poster with standard color levels costs approximately $25
- A 36×48 glossy poster with standard color levels costs approximately $50
Submit your poster
- Printing usually takes 3 business days.
- If you’re participating in an event such as ClarkFEST, plan to submit your poster at least one full week in advance, as there may be additional delays due to the volume of requests.
- Make sure you put your username at the beginning of your poster-file name.
Example: jsmith_clarkfest.pptx - The poster file size should be under 5MB.
- submit your file in either .pptx (Powerpoint) or .pdf format.
- Submit your file for printing via the online Printing Request Form here.
- To prevent delays in printing, please be sure to fill out the survey completely
Pick up your poster
- You will receive an email alerting you that your poster is ready for pickup with an invoice stating how much payment is required
- Your poster will be available for pickup from the ITS Helpdesk in the Academic Commons
- Payment is required at the time of pickup
- If paying with cash, please bring exact amounts as it is not always possible for us to provide change.
- If paying with an interdepartmental requisition, you must bring the triplicate form at pick-up.
Why is there a charge for posters for my class?
ITS’s goal is to provide a service to Clark faculty, staff, and students at a reasonable price that allows us to continue to offer that service. Our charges cover the cost of consumables for printing large format posters. Our costs include the ink and paper, as well as the replacement of print heads and ongoing maintenance. We do not charge for the staff time it takes to print posters or for the printer.
What software should I use when preparing my poster?
The most accessible and universal software for preparing your poster is Microsoft PowerPoint. It is installed on all computers in the general purpose computing labs.
I want to use the University logo. Where can I get it?
University Communications maintains a Graphics Standards web resource with information about the use of the University logo, logotype, and mark and brand.
Are there specific fonts that I should use?
Since the font you use must also be available on the machine printing the poster, in general, we recommend using the core Microsoft fonts. They are Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Adobe Minion Web. If you choose to use a font not in this list, we cannot guarantee that the final output will be what you expect it to be.
Do you proof a poster before printing?
Academic Technology Services does not proof content before printing. Please proof your work carefully before submitting a print request.
- Proof your work carefully, word by word, line by line.
- Don’t rely solely on spell check. It’s worthwhile to have several people proof your poster before submitting it for printing.
- Mistakes submitted for printing become your responsibility. If we have to print a poster a second time because of an error on your part, we will charge for each print.
Are you planning a poster assignment for your course, or a departmental symposium?
Academic Technology Services can help you consider all of the logistics of the poster printing process, the types of questions students may ask, and how to budget for the cost. We can reserve time in our poster-printing schedule to ensure that submitted posters are printed in time for your event. If you participate in this service, we can also send a consolidated invoice to the department for easy processing and payment.
Below find answers about Poster Events, and when you’re ready, click below to download and submit the Poster Event Request form to
poster event request formWhat information do I need to provide to Academic Technology Services?
- Event coordinator / contact person’s name, phone number and email address
- Name and contact information of the person who will receive the final invoice (if different from the event coordinator)
- Event title
- Event Date
- Submission deadline – When are students required to submit their posters for printing? Please read the FAQs below for guidelines
- The estimated number of anticipated participants
- A list of those students’ names – This information may be provided at a later date, after contacting ATS with your request, but should be sent before the submission deadline
- Any other relevant information that may impact the timely production and delivery of your poster
How far in advance should I contact Academic Technology Services regarding my event?
Please contact Academic Technology Services with your request at least 2 weeks prior to your event. This will allow ATS time to make any arrangements necessary to assist you.
How far in advance should I make the submission deadline for my event?
Your deadline should be 8:00 a.m. at least 3 business days before the event. For larger events, such as ClarkFEST, your deadline should be at least one full week in advance, as there may be additional delays due to the volume of requests.
What information do I provide to participants before they submit their posters?
Students will need to know the official title, date, and submission deadline for your event. Students will also need information regarding any poster credit for the event – the amount of the credit, and what the credit may be used towards (see below for more information.)
How will students submit their poster for printing?
Participants may submit their completed posters to Academic Technology services through our poster printing submission survey. Please instruct event participants to read the submission guidelines carefully before designing their posters. We also strongly encourage students to download a PowerPoint poster template (also available through the previous link) to avoid any issues with incorrectly formatted posters.
During submission, students should choose the appropriate option for “What is this poster for.” If your event is not listed as an option, participants should choose “Other” and enter the name of the event into the text field. For payment type, choose “Event Credit.”
What expenses are covered by an event credit?
If an event credit is applied, the value of the credit and what will be covered is at the discretion of your department, but should be clearly communicated to event participants and Academic Technology Services. A standard 48”x36” matte color poster with average ink usage costs $25. Many event organizers choose to cover the cost of a standard poster, but do not cover “extras.”
Additional expenses may include:
- Poster tubes – $5 per tube
- Glossy paper – costs twice as much as matte paper
- Ink surcharges for ink heavy posters – can range from $5 to $25 depending on the poster
As a final consideration, the department should decide how to handle unused credit for less expensive posters – can the remaining credit it be applied towards an “extra”?
For example, if the department offers a $25 credit, and a student prints a smaller poster that costs $12.50, can the student purchase a poster tube ($5) using the remaining credit?
How do I handle billing for an event?
After the event, the appropriate contact person will receive a consolidated invoice for the total cost of posters for the event. We can also provide a detailed breakdown of costs associated with each poster and participant if necessary. The appropriate staff member will then complete an interdepartmental requisition form covering the total cost of the credit, which can be mailed or delivered to Academic Technology Services c/o the ITS Help Desk in the Academic Commons.
ITS Help Desk
Academic Commons, Plaza Level
- Mon – Thurs: 8 am – 12 am
- Fri: 8 am – 5 pm
- Sat: 12 pm – 5 pm
- Sun: 12 pm – 12 am