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Student Organizations at Clark University are eligible to have technology services activated on their behalf and renewed on an annual basis. These services include:

  • Email accounts in the student organization name (i.e.;
  • List serve for members to post announcements, have online discussions, and develop email newsletters (i.e.

To activate or renew these services for your organization, please complete the Technology Service Activation form and return it to the Student Activities Office on the 3rd floor of the Higgins University Center. The person(s) designated in this form will receive notification via their email address when the services have been activated.

Clark Engage

Clark Engage, accessible through ClarkYOU is a site for publishing of student organization information and events. Get set up on Engage through the Office of Student Leadership & Programming.

Contact Information

ITS Help Desk

Call or Email
Summer 2024 Hours
  • Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm