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During the academic year of 2023/2024, Clark University is running a 1 year pilot of Gradescope.

In Spring of 2024, we  will solicit and consider faculty and student feedback, and usage data, to determine if Gradescope will become a permanent part of our service inventory. If you have feedback on Gradescope that you’d like to share, please contact Joanne Dolan ( or the Help Desk (, 508-793-7745).

What is Gradescope?


Gradescope is a tool designed to streamline and standardize paper-based, digital, and code assignments.  With Gradescope you can:

  • Create on-the-fly grading rubrics for assignments and problem sets.
  • Easily adjust rubrics at any time and retroactively apply changes.
  • Grade assignments anonymously.
  • Standardize grades across instructors and teaching assistants.
  • Get detailed analytics on an individual and class-wide level.
  • Grade handwritten assignments, such as problem sets, online.
  • Sync assignment grading with Canvas.

Learn about Gradescope with John Magee & Peter Story

Explore what Gradescope can do for you, and hear from John Magee and Peter Story about how they use Gradescope. Some highlights of Professors Magee and Story’s experience include the ability to design flexible, dynamic rubrics for scanned homework/quizzes, efficient division of grading tasks among TAs, support for anonymous grading to mitigate biases, and the system’s ability to use AI to group similar answers, expediting the grading process.

Gradescope Workshops

Gradescope offers weekly “Getting Started” Workshops. Click here to register.

Departmental Workshops/Individual Consultations

Your ATS liaison will be happy to schedule departmental workshops, or individual consultations. Please reach out directly to your ATS liaison, or contact the Help Desk for more information.

Contact Information

ITS Help Desk

Call or Email
Summer 2024 Hours
  • Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm