Our undergraduate and graduate students have numerous opportunities to connect with each other and participate in clubs, organizations, and activities at Clark and beyond.

- American Physical Society: Students attend this annual meeting of physicists and scientists to explore groundbreaking research from industry, academia, and major labs. The 2024 meeting was held March 3-8, 2024 in Minneapolis, MN.
- Conference for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (CU*iP): Women and gender minorities students participate in this annual three-day regional conference at a university in the Northeast. The 2025 conference will be held Jan. 24-26, 2025.
- Sigma Pi Sigma (SPS) Physics Congress: The 2025 event will be held Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2025 in Denver, CO.
Student Research Events on Campus
- ClarkFEST Fall and Spring: Annual events, one each semester, where undergraduate students from across campus present their research.
- Graduate Multidisciplinary Research Conference: Annual event for graduate students from across campus who present their research.
Student Clubs and Outreach
- Cambridge Science Festival: Each Fall, Clark physics students — most of them members of the Society of Physics Students — travel to Cambridge, MA and set up a table with fun experiments to teach children about physics.
- Girls Inc. Summer Eureka Program: Girls Inc. of Worcester, Mass., has established a local Eureka program focusing on involving middle-school girls in hands-on STEM-focused activities. As part of the program, the students visit Clark University for class and laboratory experiences. Professor Michael Boyer has been involved with the program since 2013. He has designed a series of activities to engage the students in hands-on exploration of topics related to magnetism, optics, light, and waves. Graduate students and undergraduate students participate in this outreach program with Professor Boyer.
- Graduate Students: This year’s graduate student representative is Sohum Kapadia.
- Latino STEM Alliance: Students participate in this organization’s Annual Robotics Competition and Family Science Festival.
- Society of Physics Students: This student-run club hosts activities and events; open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
- SPLASH Program: An educational outreach program sponsored by Clark’s Educational Studies Program, SPLASH is a student-run and mainly student-taught set of classes aimed at local middle and high school students. As part of this program, Professor Michael Boyer teaches a class on scanning tunneling microscopy.
Physics Department Social Events
- Cookie Minutes every Wednesday at 2 p.m.
- Cookies and Coffee at 2:00 pm every Wednesday in the Physics Common Room, as part of the weekly Colloquium Series in Sackler S-121 at 3:00 pm.
- Summer Picnic