We value your participation
Clark community members who complete the survey will have the opportunity to be entered into a weekly drawing for the following prizes:
- $25 Amazon e-gift card
- $25 dining dollars
- $25 gift certificate for the Campus Store
- 2 movie theater tickets
Faculty and Staff
- Free parking decal for the 2024-2025 academic year
- $25 Amazon e-gift card
Participation Leaderboard
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Graduate Students
Staff & Administrators
Staff & Administrators
Information session recordings
Campus Climate Task Force
Thank you to the following members of the Clark community who served on the Campus Climate Task Force.
- Shruti Agarwal, Graduate Student
- Naomi Ashley, Office of Identity, Student Engagement, and Access
- Ashmi Bidrupane Suresh, Graduate Student
- Brittany Brickman, Title IX Coordinator
- Lamara Burgess, Strategic Initiatives
- Laura Burgess, School of Management
- Ashley Caruso, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Henry Chambers, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Jessie Darrell-Jarbadan, Visual and Performing Arts Faculty
- Gia Davis, Graduate Student
- Margo Foreman, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Nicole Forgit, Alumni and Friends
- Maria-Elisa Gallant, Student Leadership and Programming
- Durvesh Gurjar, Graduate Student
- Hayley Haywood, Academic Affairs
- Chandra Jack, Biology
- Jim Keogh, Marketing and Communications
- Leyla Knight, Undergraduate Student
- Susan Leo-Johnson, Human Resources
- Desarai Liberty, Office of Student Accessibility Services
- Elissa Lu, Office of Strategic Analytics and Institutional Research
- Siu Ming Luie, School of Professional Studies
- Robert Muir, Facilities Management
- Lynn Murray-Chandler, The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Assessment, and Learning
- Azra O’Connor, Undergraduate Student
- Domenica Perrone, Community Engagement and Volunteering
- Laura Robinson, Goddard Library
- Brienne Smith, Athletics
- Emily Stark, Office of Student Accessibility Services
- Andrew Stewart, Psychology Faculty
- E. Tejada III, Office of Identity, Student Engagement, and Access
- Ashley Valois, Undergraduate Student