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Education, Remembrance, Prevention: Careers in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

  Education, Remembrance, Prevention: Careers in Holocaust and Genocide Studies Speakers: Morgan Blum Schneider, Sara Brown, Mikal Eckstrom, Jonathan Edelman, Josh Franklin, and Anna Voremberg Ellement Clark undergraduates trained in Holocaust history, genocide studies, and human rights are prepared for rewarding careers in education, remembrance and prevention.  Through coursework, research projects, and internships, they gain […]

April 21, 2022: The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

Speaker: Séverine Autesserre (Professor and Chair of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University) In this talk based on her latest book The Frontlines of Peace, Autesserre will tell the stories of the ordinary yet extraordinary individuals and communities that have found effective ways to confront violence. Drawing on 20 years of work in peacebuilding, […]

April 12, 2022: From Holocaust Denial to Holocaust Distortion

Kent Seminar Room, Strassler Center

Speaker: Jan Grabowski (University of Ottawa, Professor of History) is  co-founder of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw (2003) and a specialist in Jewish–Polish relations in German-occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust in Poland. He is the recipient of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Hunt for the Jews: […]

April 7 and 8, 2022: Animating Absence: Photographs in Liquid Time

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

Speakers: Marianne Hirsch (Professor of Comparative Literature and Gender Studies, Columbia University) Leo Spitzer (K. T. Vernon Professor Emeritus, Dartmouth College) Workshop: Representing Absence: Refugees, Forced Migration, and Aftermath  Marianne Hirsch, Professor of Comparative Literature and Gender Studies at Columbia University, and Leo Spitzer, K. T. Vernon Professor Emeritus of Cultural History at Dartmouth College, […]

March 17, 2022: Living in Climate Refuge 

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

Speakers: Justin Hosbey (Assistant Professor, Emory University), Tessa Rose Farmer (Assistant Professor, University of Virginia) and Caterina Scaramelli (Assistant Professor, Boston University) Strassler Center Professors Sultan Doughan and Frances Tanzer organized a workshop to examine climate induced displacement, its historical implications, and current dimensions. They directed a wide-ranging conversation with Justin Hosbey (Emory University), Caterina […]

February 2, 2022: Victim Testimony, Mass Violence, and Trials in Interwar Europe

Zoom (Online)

Speaker:  Alexandra Garbarini (Professor of History and Jewish Studies, Williams College) Eyewitness testimonies provide descriptions of mass atrocity and genocide that fill the gaps left bare by the limitations of official documents and legal records. They provide victim perspectives that enrich historical narratives by bringing humanity and an individual lens through which to understand systematic […]

November 10, 2021: Indian Scalps for Money: A Hidden History of Colonial Times


Speaker: Mishy Lesser (Learning Director, Upstander Project) In a new short film, Bounty, Penobscot parents and their children celebrate their survival by reacting to a government-issued bounty proclamation that promised large sums of money for colonial settlers to hunt, scalp, and murder their ancestors. Dr. Mishy Lesser, learning director of Upstander Project, will introduce Bounty and will be joined […]

November 3, 2021: The Ecology of Genocide

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

Speaker: Felipe Milanez (Professor at the Institute for Humanities, Arts and Sciences Professor Milton Santos and the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Culture and Society, of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.) The intersection between environmental destruction and violence against Indigenous Peoples was the subject of “The Ecology of Genocide” (3 November 2021) a lecture by […]

 October 28, 2021: We Are Here: Songs of the Holocaust

Temple Emanuel Sinai

Performers: Cantor Jonathan Kohan (Visiting Scholar, Strassler Center; Visiting Cantorial soloist, Temple Emanuel Sinai; Coordinator, Cantorial School of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary; former fellow, Yad Vashem) and Brett Maguire, Pianist Strassler Center’s Visiting Scholar Jonathan Kohan presents a selection that portrays the anguishes, hopes and struggles of the European Jews in their darkest hour. […]

October 21, 2021: Environcide: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature

Higgins Lounge, Dana Commons

Speaker: Emanuel Kreike (Professor of History; Acting Director, African Studies, Princeton University) Princeton University historian Emanuel Kreike considered the history of environmental degradation in the context of mass violence in his talk, “Environcide: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature” (21 October 2021). In examining the impact of conventional war on society and the […]

September 28, 2021: Facing off or facing up to ‘the end’? : Reflections on the omnicidal trajectory of homo anthropocenus’

Zoom (Online)

Speaker: Mark Levene (Emeritus fellow at the University of Southampton UK, and a long-time environmental and peace activist. He writes, among other things, about genocide, European and Middle Eastern nationalisms and “minority” relations, as well as anthropogenic climate change. He is founder of Rescue!History.) Historian Mark Levene, an Emeritus Fellow at the University of Southampton […]