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Vienna, 1890 – 1938: Capital of Tradition, Innovation, Promise, and Peril

April 20, 2023 @
4:00 p.m.
- April 21, 2023 @
5:00 p.m.
Eastern Time
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In the first decades of the twentieth-century Vienna was a locus for cultural and intellectual innovation, as well as for radical politics of left and right. This symposium brings together a group of leading interdisciplinary scholars to explore the interactions of art, music, and cultural politics in the decades preceding the rise of National Socialism and the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938. We will likewise consider the reverberation and sometimes curious trajectories of those developments after 1938. 

20 April 2023 | 4:30 – 6:00pm| Higgins Lounge
Dana Commons

A performance of Pavel Haas’s String Quartet no. 2, followed by a reception with hors d’oeuvres and wine


21 April 2023 |9:00 – 4:00| Higgins Lounge
Dana Commons


9:00-9:10: WELCOME  

9:10-9:50  “Women’s Movements in Viennese Operetta” 

Michaela Baranello, University of Arkansas

9:55-10:35 “Stadt ohne Jüdinnen? Gender and Jewish Absence in Hugo Bettauer’s The City without Jews” 

Lisa Silverman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

10:35-11:00 Coffee Break 

11:00-11:40 “The Naked and the Dead: Human Remains in Interwar Viennese Culture” 

Alys George, Stanford University

11:45-12:25 “The Last and the First Musical Premiere in Vienna,1938” 

Ben Korstvedt, Clark University

12:30-2:00 Lunch 

2:00-2:40 “Appropriation and Ambiguity in the Visual Art of Vienna under the Nazi Regime” 

Laura Morowitz, Wagner College

 2:45-3:25 Reconsidering Viennese Nostalgia in Exile and in Postwar Austria” 

Frances Tanzer, Clark University 

3:30-4:00 Coffee Break  

4:00-4:40  “Arnold Schoenberg and Vienna: A Story of Antisemitism and Unrequited Love” 

Joy Calico, Vanderbilt University

 4:45-5:25 Leopoldstadt: the culture of survival; the survival of culture 

Steven Beller, Independent Scholar

5:30-5:40 Closing Notes and thoughts  

6:00 Dinner 


Friday, April 21, 7:30 PM  A Spectrum of Viennese Song, 1890-1938

Duo Au Courant Stephanie Weiss (mezzo) & Christina Wright-Ivanova (piano) Razzo Hall, Traina Center for the Arts

Sponsored by Clark University’s Academic Innovation Fund, the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the History Department, and the Music Program of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.