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Picture of hands folded into a heart along with a link to the Help for Ukraine 2024 campaign PayPal link.
“we are not alone.”

Upholding a Promise to a Ukrainian Partner

Learn about Clark University’s efforts to support a school in Ukraine

Jumpstart instructor teaching a lesson

Jumpstarting the Year

The new School of Professional Studies (SPS) program helps students adjust to the new environment.

Clark language exchange program
Fall 2022

Introducing the Language Exchange Program

The program connects Clarkies who are looking to practice or improve their language skills.

Contact Information

ALCI Office

Office Location

Clark University American Language and Culture Institute
Jonas Clark Hall 208
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477 USA

Office Hours:
Noon – 1 p.m., 3 – 4 p.m.
Monday to Thursday
Or by appointment.