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management staff

Management Career Paths Achieved

We take you through the process of your career path starting with internships, career development, career services right to the career outcome you’ve wanted to achieve.

Pooja Masand_alumna


Whether you’re looking to advance your current career or make a significant career change, Clark School of Business will position you for immediate — and lasting — success. Our graduates have worked at organizations such as Apple and Morgan Stanley and founded companies that include the Blue Man Group.

professor speaking to students for career services

Career Services

Whether you’re looking to advance your current career or make a significant career change, Clark School of Business will position you for immediate – and lasting – success through dynamic coursework and challenging hands-on experiences.

Contact Information

School of Business

Office Location
  • 950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

    The School of Business is located in Carlson Hall, close to the Maywood Street parking lot.

  • Telephone: 1-508-793-7543
  • Fax: 1-508-793-8822