Auditoriums and Theaters
Daniels Theater
Located in Atwood Hall, Daniels Theater is the largest performance facility at Clark University. This 658-seat theater boasts both orchestra and balcony seating. The two-tiered stage can be altered to create one flat surface for your event. The theater also has two dressing rooms, each with its own bathroom. There is also a ticket booth available for use if desired. The built-in sound system and basic stage lighting are included in the rental price of the theater.

Jefferson 320
Located on the third floor of the Jefferson Academic Center, Jefferson 320 is a large auditorium with 310 seats. Often used for showing movies, this room has no windows and is ideal for any type of media presentation. This is a media-enabled room and comes with a digital projector, large projection screen, DVD and VHS players, and a built-in sound system. The projection booth above the auditorium is equipped with 16mm and 35mm film projectors.
Jefferson 218
Jefferson 218 also located in the Jefferson Academic Center. The auditorium has 110 seats and offers a more intimate setting for your event. This room features a digital projector, projection screen, and a computer to use with the projection equipment.

Johnson Auditorium
Renovated in the summer of 2007, Johnson Auditorium is a 175-seat auditorium located in the Sackler Science Center. Equipped with digital projection for its built-in DVD player and computer, this auditorium is ideal for lectures or classes.
Razzo Hall
Located in the Traina Center for the Arts, Razzo Hall is a state-of-the-art performance space. With seating for 190 people, Razzo Hall is ideal for musical performances and lectures. The theater is equipped with touch-screen control panels, a professional quality sound system, acoustical curtains, and 16mm and digital projection in its control booth. Rental of this room can be arranged through the Visual and Performing Arts Events Office at 1-508-793-7349.

University Events
Clark University
University Events
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477