Immunization Policy
Clark University Immunization Policy
Clark University complies with Massachusetts law 105 CMR 220.000, which requires that all students complete the immunizations listed below before entering college. In the event of a communicable disease outbreak, students who are not adequately immunized or are without laboratory evidence of immunity may be excluded from school. This policy refers to all students with medical or religious exemptions. Immunization compliance deadline is Sept. 30 for the fall semester and Jan. 30 for the spring semester.
Special Note for International Students
All students must comply with state laws regarding immunizations. If you haven’t received all the mandatory immunizations, you should still submit your immunization documentation. You can receive the remaining required vaccines by making an appointment with health services, attending the campus wide immunization clinic, or visiting a local pharmacy.
The Clark University immunization form needs to be completed in English (under forms). You will not be allowed to register for classes until you are properly immunized according to state law.
Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- TDAP Vaccine (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis)
- Two doses of MMR Vaccine* (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Doses given at least four weeks apart, at or after 12 months of age.
- Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine* Doses given at 0,1,6 months.
- Tuberculosis risk assessment/PPD or IGRA if high risk. TB testing of high risk students only should take place no sooner than 6 months prior to college entrance.
- Meningococcal Vaccine (ACWY) required -< 21 years of age. One dose -> 16 years of age or signed waiver.
- Two doses of Varicella Vaccine*(Chicken pox). Doses given at least 4 weeks apart.
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- Hepatitis A
- Pneumococcal vaccine if indicated
- Meningitis B Trumenba or Bexsero
- Influenza (annually)
* Laboratory proof of immunity is acceptable for MMR, hepatitis B, and varicella requirements. Reliable history of varicella documented by a health care provider or birth before 1980 in the United States is acceptable for the varicella requirement. Birth before 1957 in the U.S. is acceptable for the MMR requirement.
Where to Get Vaccinations
Clark University Health Services
501 Park Ave
Worcester, Mass.
It is best to complete your immunizations before coming to school.
If you are missing any required immunizations, or need titers drawn, all except varicella and flu vaccination are available at Health Services.
Your insurance will be billed for these costs; please know what your insurance will cover at Clark. The student Blue Cross plan does cover immunizations given at the Health Services and at UMass Memorial Medical Center.
Other Places for Vaccinations
Walgreens Pharmacy
320 Park Ave.
Worcester, Mass.
- Please call for pricing and availability and check with your insurance plan for coverage/benefits.
CVS Pharmacy
400 Park Ave.Worcester, Mass1-508-792-3866
Big Y Pharmacy
100 Mayfield St.
Worcester, Mass.
- Please call for pricing and availability and check with your insurance plan for coverage/benefits.
Health Services
501 Park Ave.
Worcester, MA 01610
Health Services is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Health Services is closed when the University is closed.
Health Services can be reached either from Park Avenue or Birch Street. To get to Birch, take Maywood Street (heading toward Park Avenue) and then turn right onto Birch Street. Follow the signs to the Health Services building.