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Therapy groups are a great way to share your own experiences while connecting with others.

A benefit of being in a group is being able to learn how to authentically connect with one another, and to experience what it is like to show your real self and see that others will accept and care for you anyway. That connection — showing your real self — is the key factor of groups.

Many students question whether what they talk about in a group will be shared with others. Confidentiality is a rule for all groups, and it is our expectation that group members respect one another and hold to that promise. We are offering a large number of groups this year because we feel so strongly about them. Check them out!

Fall 2024 Groups

Wednesday, Sept. 11, weekly, from 1-2 pm

Online via Zoom

Who: Open to undergraduate and graduate students

What: This group is for anyone interested in learning to utilize and practice mindfulness and meditative skills. We will focus on breathing exercises, body scanning, Metta and Loving Kindness meditations, and other forms of mindfulness. Whether you’ve been meditating for years or have never meditated or practiced mindfulness, this group is for you.

Facilitated by Shawn McGuirk (He/Him)

Fridays, weekly, 1:00 pm, starting September 6
CPG (114 Woodland St)

Who: Open to Clark student-athletes

What: This group is meant to be a general processing group, where topics can range from mental health to the general stresses of being a student-athlete at Clark. Connect with fellow athletes to better manage the life balance and find new skills to help you get through more challenging times.

 Facilitated by Justin Donovan (He/Him):

Mondays, weekly, 3:00 pm, starting September 9
CPG (114 Woodland St)

Who: Open to undergraduate and graduate students

What: Are you coping with any form of anxiety, including chronic worry, social anxiety, obsessive thoughts, health-related worry, and panic attacks? Connect with others to get a better understanding of how people learn to relax and find relief from their anxiety.

 Facilitated by Justin Donovan (He/Him):

When: Wednesdays, bi-weekly, 3:00 p.m., starting September 11th
CPG(114 Woodland St)

Who: Open to any BIPOC Clark students (undergrad and grad)

What: BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Our BIPOC Healing Space is a community-building and therapeutic space for BIPOC students to come together and connect with other BIPOC students to discuss topics related to mental health *but not limited to, microaggressions, imposter syndrome, family pressures and dynamics, codeswitching, etc.

Facilitated by Anushka Mohapatra (She/Her) and Mary Xatse (She/Her)

Wednesdays, bi-weekly, 3:00 pm, starting September 4

CPG (114 Woodland St)

Who: Open to any Clark students (undergrad and grad) who are trans, non-binary, gender diverse, gender expansive, agender, or otherwise curious about exploring their relationship to gender. This confidential group serves as a space to explore identity and build community, regardless of where you’re at in the exploration/coming out process.

What: A space to build community and connection with other trans, gender expansive, and gender curious students on campus while exploring your relationship to gender. Sessions may include sharing gender affirming resources on campus, processing, and support around trans-related current events, and general exploration of our unique genders through art, discussion, games, and so much more.

Facilitated by Rachel Brazie (they/them)

Wednesdays, weekly for six weeks, 1:00 pm, starting September 4
CPG(114 Woodland St)

Who: Open to any Clark students (undergrad and grad)

What: This group is for anyone with a body and feelings about that body. Through expressive art, creative writing, and discussion, we’ll work together to explore the stories we carry about our bodies. We’ll dig up all the “shoulds” we’ve been taught about bodies and work on crafting a new narrative grounded in embodiment and appreciation, moving towards body positivity/neutrality. This is a judgment and diet-talk-free space, welcoming and supporting all body types and meeting participants wherever they are building and healing their relationships with their bodies.

Facilitated by Rachel Brazie (they/them)

Contact Information

Center for Counseling & Personal Growth

Office Information
  • 114 Woodland Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed from 12 – 1 p.m.)

  • 1-508-793-7678
  • counseling[at]clarku[dot]edu