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International Education Kick-off

Red Square

Stop by Red Square to share your international education story and learn more about this week’s events. 

Sponsored by: International Center

International Tea House

ASEC Lobby

Join Study Abroad for some warm tea, coffee or hot cocoa and international snacks!

Study Abroad 101

Jonas Clark 001

Join the Study Abroad & Away office to learn all the basics including application deadlines and process, financial aid and academics. This workshop is intended for first and second year students who may be interested in studying abroad or away in their Junior or Senior year. 

Sponsored by: Office of Study Abroad and Away

Marketing Your Study Abroad Experience

Jonas Clark 102

Join  the Study Abroad and Away Office and the Career Connections Center to learn how to best market your study abroad experience in a way that will catch any employer's eye while also highlighting valuable skills gained during your time abroad.