- Researcher, University of Amsterdam
- Email: d.n.jolivet@uva.nl
Dr. Dominique Jolivet’s research is at the intersection of human (im)mobilities, social-environmental transformations, and welfare (understood as a dynamic structure, process, and individual experience). She pays particular attention to everyday experiences of change, stagnation and (in)security, influenced by social positions, perceptions of time and place, and migration histories at community, family and individual level. She employs an interdisciplinary, mixed-methods, and theoretically eclectic and reflexive approach. She has studied social groups in four continents with diverse migration and (im)mobility histories. In her approach, she pays special attention to political and psychological subjectivities, focusing on self-reflections on exclusion/inclusion, associated emotions, recognition claims, expectations from states, as well as the contexts shaping perceptions and experiences of macro-level transformations, and how all these elements shape (im)mobility aspirations and decisions.