
Clark Inspired will guide us through Clark’s transformation. Unlike a fixed strategic plan, our framework has no end date; it is a living document with built-in flexibility, allowing us to engage in an iterative process of ongoing evolution through which we put our ideas into action.

How We Developed Our Framework

Starting in summer 2020, we began to develop the strategic framework through a process of ideation and visioning that involved the entire Clark community.

For 18 months, a steering committee of faculty and staff representatives gathered and organized community ideas. This broad participation and engagement of faculty, staff, and students occurred through town halls, visioning mingles, digital platforms, and ClarkForward, an earlier survey on campus culture.

Initiatives Teams

Multiple Initiatives Teams, made up of faculty and staff from across the University, are further refining the initiatives within each area of focus in Clark Inspired. Teams are at different stages of the process, generating new ideas and inspiration, developing visions, making plans, or even moving into implementation.

These teams are playing an important role in driving movement forward, prioritizing resources, and channeling community engagement.

View our teams and the areas that they’re working on.

Currently, we are focused on:

  • Operationalization: We are developing plans, procedures, tasks, schedules, and metrics to begin implementation of our initiatives, and we are creating multiple ways to measure progress and success. In this way, our Strategic Framework will become part of the day-to-day operations and finances of the University.
  • Refinement: We are constantly reviewing and revising our initiatives, adjusting according to changing circumstances at Clark and in the world. We may augment, update, create, or even eliminate initiatives based on our ongoing evaluation, new data, or emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Iteration: Through refinement of our initiatives, successful outcomes, and increasing progress toward our goals, our process will become iterative over time, embedded in our culture. It will become part of how we work and make change at Clark.
  • Growth: We are embarking on numerous interconnected and changing initiatives that not only will have immediate positive impact but enable still more initiatives, which naturally follow on and extend our progress further. Through the continuously successful execution of our initiatives, and progress toward our goals, we will catalyze momentum.