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Harrington Public Affairs Lecture Series

The Harrington Public Affairs Lecture Series is funded by the Francis A. Harrington Public Affairs Fund.

Francis Harrington was a Worcester native, civic leader, vice president and director of the Paul Revere Insurance Companies and a member of Clark University’s Board of Trustees. In 1963, he gave a generous gift to Clark to establish a permanent endowment to fund lectures, seminars, scholarships, fellowships, and other programming in public affairs.

The Political Science Department offers these lectures on a yearly basis.

Past Events

Women Candidates & Women Voters in 2018

“Women Candidates & Women Voters in 2018,” Anna Greenberg, Ph.D., Research Fellow at American University’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies.

The Death of Expertise

“The Death of Expertise,” Tom Nichols, professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College