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Trans Media and Its Futures

*This event was original scheduled for May 12, but is now on May 19 at 5pm EDT.* In this public panel discussion, Screen Studies' Rox Samer (they/them) and representatives of their “Gender and Film” seminar examine the current state of transgender media as well as visions for its futures with three distinguished guests: artist and […]

Makers, Identity, and the Lives of Objects: A Triologue

What stories do craft and design objects tell us—and tell about us? In this wide-reaching conversation, authors Glenn Adamson, Parminder Bhachu, and Kristina Wilson will explore connections between their recent books on makers and design as an expression of identity. Together, these scholars will discuss their circuitous paths of research, the delight of an unexpected […]

Disappearing Acts: Black Women In and Out of Early Modern Literature

While the near-absence of black female characters in early modern drama is a near-truism in the field by now, this lack of representation occurred during a period when their labor—domestic, agricultural, sexual—was becoming a prominent support of colonial enterprise in the new world. In this talk, Joyce Green MacDonald, Associate Professor of English at the […]

Translating ‘Treasure of the Castilian or Spanish Language’

A contemporary of Cervantes, Sebastián de Covarrubias wrote his encyclopedic dictionary Treasure of the Castilian or Spanish Language to explore the heterogeneous origins of words and their hidden connections to the moral, transcendental, and everyday meanings of the world. In her experimental translation, Janet Hendrickson dives deep into this influential, pre-Enlightenment text to cull a […]

‘No Blue Memories: The Life of Gwendolyn Brooks’ Screening and Discussion

"A production so weird and innovative, it's hard to describe... like being on the set of a Hollywood movie and watching it on-screen at the same time." - Chicago Magazine No Blue Memories: The Life of Gwendolyn Brooks, co-written by poets Eve L. Ewing and Nate Marshall and featuring the music of Jamila and Ayanna […]

Design with Empathy and Curiosity


Design as a professional discipline has undergone a tremendous evolution in the last generation. It has transformed from a practice focused mainly on aesthetic style to one with a clear and explicit focus on users and their hopes, desires, challenges, and needs. By establishing empathy and curiosity with the user, designers can work toward outcomes […]

Connecting to Our Highest Purpose


In this workshop, coach, consultant, and TEDx speaker Ruby Maddox will provide an original framework to help individuals connect their “inner-why” to their higher purpose. The co-founder of two non-profits focused on social justice, leadership, and equity, Maddox will guide participants as they explore their own values and goals. Step-by-step, she will teach them how […]

The Campaign of Miner Bo: A Conversation with Film Director Todd Drezner

**RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 17** Facilitated by Rob Boatright, Professor and Chair of Political Science Soren Sorensen, Lecturer in Screen Studies How did Todd Drezner, a committed liberal and resident of deep blue New York City, find himself in Delbarton, West Virginia filming the campaign of Bo Copley, a Christian conservative running for the Republican nomination […]

Testimony as Activism: Archives of Displacement

This panel discussion facilitated by Clark University's Anita Fábos (IDCE) and Frances Tanzer (Strassler Center) brings together scholars and practitioners to talk about their work documenting experiences of people living with violence, conflict, and displacement. How do scholarly research and activism overlap in stories of displacement? How do displaced peoples establish archives when they are […]

Post-Election 2020: What Just Happened?

With the understanding that the election may still be undecided, we will gather the day-after for a virtual conversation about the results. Bring your questions for Clark’s experts, as we address: what we know about election returns; when and how decisions will be made and how information will be communicated; the important roles played by […]

Nightmares and Screamscapes: An Evening of Scary Stories


Our popular Halloween tradition continues, albeit with an online twist. Tuck in for a night of spooky stories read by Clark University professors Gino DiIorio (Theater), Jay Elliott (English), and Jennifer Plante (Academic Services). Combining the beauty of language, the art of storytelling, and the desire for community, this virtual installment of our ongoing series, […]

Sponsored by: Higgins School of Humanities

The Black Designer’s Identity

In the United States, much of design history, culture, curriculum, and the profession as a whole is a testament to the broad influence of European-based design practice and aesthetics. While these traditions are valuable, they have eclipsed the work and contributions of non-Europeans in the field. Consequently, young designers who are just beginning to develop […]