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Early Orientation provides you with a solid overview of Clark’s accessibility services, managed through the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS). You can connect with other students and have the time to transition and find your way around campus.

Please Note

In order to participate in the SAS Early Orientation, you must have completed the registration process with Student Accessibility Services.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

9 a.m.–Noon Move-In and Explore Campus

If you are living on campus this year, check in at the Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC) before you settle in at your residence hall. You can pick up your Clark ID, room key, information about the day, a campus map, some goodies, and meal tickets for any family members joining you for lunch and dinner in the dining hall.

Noon–1 p.m. Lunch

Head to the dining hall in the Higgins University Center for your first meal on campus. Swipe in using your Clark ID; your family members can use their meal tickets.

1:15–1:45 p.m. Welcome and Icebreaker

Meet the Student Accessibility Services team, who will provide an overview of the SAS office and the support they provide to students. Participate in ice breaker activities so we can all get to know each other.

2–2:45 p.m. IT Informational Session

Explore the technology and online resources that can help you be successful at Clark. Receive an overview of services provided by the ITS Help Desk; practice accessing your Clark email account; learn how to use Moodle and log in to courses to ensure you are up to date on assignments; and more.

3– 3:45 p.m. Becker School of Design & Technology (BSDT) Student Information Session

Please note: this session is for BSDT students only

Review gaming courses that will take place on the Becker campus. Learn more about the Hawks Nest, Barrett Center, swipe and shuttle schedules, and receive a map of the Becker campus.

3–3:45 p.m. Information Session for Families and Guardians (All are welcome)

Take an opportunity to share questions with SAS staff. Review FERPA and HIPPA policies and how they impact future communications with the SAS office. Explore strategies that allow for student independence and empowerment.

3:45–4 p.m. Break

4–5 p.m. Campus Tour

Take an opportunity to explore the Clark campus, identify where your future classrooms are located, and learn where you can find on-campus resources, such as the Office for Academic Support and the Writing Center.

5:15–5:45 p.m. Schedule Review Session

Review your fall semester schedule; clarify how often each class meets per week; explore the differences between lectures, labs, and discussion sections; and learn about your classes’ syllabi and the importance of time management.

5:15–5:45 p.m. Effective Communication Session

Learn how to navigate conversations with your professors. Explore disability disclosure and how to effectively communicate your needs to someone new.

6–7 p.m. Dinner

Head to the dining hall in the Higgins University Center for dinner. Swipe in using your Clark ID; your family members can use their meal tickets.

7–9 p.m. Clark After Dark

There is so much fun to be had tonight as you meet up with other early arrival students.

To Attend Early Orientation

Self-identify as a student with a disability (this usually happens when you say, “Hi, I am looking for accommodations”) and submit appropriate documentation for review. View documentation and registration guidelines.

Accommodations are processed on a rolling basis; however, any students who submit documentation after June 6 may miss early course registration and may need to register during general course registration times.

Schedule and complete an intake meeting with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) staff. This meeting can happen over the phone or via Zoom and should take no longer than 30 to 40 minutes. The intake meeting should be completed so you can take advantage of early registration.

Register for Early Orientation when you sign up for general Orientation (link to come on May 1). Visit the To-Do List for first-year students.

First-year students registered with SAS are able to participate in early registration for their first semester of courses. Please note that this occurs only for the first fall semester unless otherwise accommodated. SAS staff and advisers can assist with course selection and planning.

All new student meetings to review documentation, accommodations, and course selection should be completed by this date to be processed in a timely manner for the fall semester.

Contact Information

Division of Student Success

Office Information
Office Hours
  • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Monday through Friday