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Safety and Threat Assessment Team

The Safety and Threat Assessment Team (STAT) exists to improve the safety of the Clark community by managing situations where students, staff, or faculty are displaying disruptive or threatening behaviors that potentially endanger their own or other’s health and safety.

As appropriate to the circumstances of a particular situation, the Team may engage in activities that may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Receiving reports on persons or situations of concern that may pose a risk of harm to a member of the Clark community, including but not limited to, incidents of violence, threatening behavior or statements, unwanted pursuit, stalking, and harassment. Reports may be submitted to the team by any member of the Clark community or brought to the team’s attention by one of the team members.
  • Gathering information from multiple sources (on campus and outside the institution) regarding the person or situation of concern and evaluating the information to determine whether the person or situation of concern poses a threat of violence, self-harm, or both;
  • Developing, implementing, and monitoring intervention strategies and management plans, which are designed to respond appropriately to statements, behavior and/or circumstances that generate concern that an individual may pose a threat.
  • Coordinating with appropriate authorities, including law enforcement, medical personnel, and other outside agencies, as appropriate;
  • Implementing reporting protocols and developing strategies to encourage reports from the Clark community;
  • Assisting in conducting periodic campus-wide awareness education for students, staff, and faculty regarding threat assessment, threat management, pertinent information-sharing issues, and the team’s responsibilities.
  • Keeping appraised of best practices and participating in periodic trainings in threat assessment and management.

When to submit a report to STAT

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the University. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a troubling person or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear and, if so, this information should be provided to the Safety and Threat Assessment Team.

Behavioral Signs of Concern

  • Statement of harm to self or others
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Marked changes in appearance/behavior
  • Bias-related statements
  • Fascination with violence/weapons
  • Problems with drugs/alcohol
  • Bizarre behavior
  • Depressed mood
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Difficulty relating to others
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Work-related problems

How to Submit a Report

In situations where a person may pose an immediate risk of violence to themselves or others, please call University Police at 1-508-793-7575.

To report concerning or threatening behavior to the Safety and Threat Assessment Team, submit a report using the online reporting tool. Alternatively, you may directly contact any member of the STAT (see listing below).

Anonymous referrals are accepted but discouraged. By identifying yourself, STAT will be able to more fully investigate and respond to your concerns. Without your identifying information, the team may not have enough information to address the situation you have described. Anonymous reports will be addressed, but the ability of STAT to respond may be limited.

Safety and Threat Assessment Team Members

As a multi-disciplinary team, the Safety and Threat Assessment Team is responsible for receiving and screening reports of actual or potential threats, following up on reported threats through information gathering, assessment and intervention, and ongoing monitoring of same. Upon receipt of a report, the Safety Intervention Team will convene the appropriate members to discuss the threat and develop a response.

STAT Members
Kamala Kiem, Dean of Studentskkiem@clarku.edu1-508-793-7423
Lauren Misale, Chief of Policelmisale@clarku.edu1-508-793-7575
Kamaro Abubakar, Senior Associate Dean of Studentskabubakar@clarku.edu1-508-793-7510
David Everitt, Director of Human Resourcesdeveritt@clarku.edu1-508-793-7295
Contact Information

Emergency Management and Campus Assistance

Office Location

University Police
Bullock Hall, Basement

Health Services
501 Park Avenue

Facilities Management
501 Park Avenue