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Healthy Minds Study


Take the survey to help make Clark a more healthful place for all students.

The Healthy Minds Study (HMS) was designed specifically for colleges and universities. Its success depends on gathering diverse perspectives from students, faculty, and staff. By enrolling our institution in the HMS Student Survey and the HMS Faculty/Staff Survey – we join a group of colleges, universities, community colleges, and technical schools dedicated to understanding and addressing issues related to student, faculty, and staff mental health through scientifically rigorous research. Benefits of participation include the following:

  • Identification of needs and priorities;
  • benchmarking against peer institutions;
  • evaluation programs and policies;
  • future plans for services and programs;
  • advocacy of resources
  • evidence to supplement grantsmanship

The survey runs February 21, 2024 – March 20, 2024 and data will be collected with two distinct instruments from Healthy Minds; the student version and the faculty/staff version. Your link to the survey will be sent in an email invitation from Dr. Robin Dankovich, Associate Dean of Student Success, Health and Well-Being via the following account sponsored by our University of Michigan survey partner.

Survey Sponsored by the Division of Student Success and the Office of the Provost.