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Trans Cinema and Its Future

Trans Cinema and Its Future with Zackary Drucker, Rain Valdez, and Chris E. Vargas This event will feature a panel discussion with Zackary Drucker (she/her; filmmaker, photographer, and producer of Transparent), Rain Valdez (she/her; actor, writer, director, and producer of Razor Tongue), and Chris E. Vargas  (he/him; filmmaker & interdisciplinary artist & Associate Professor of […]

Media Representations of Unhealthy Relationships and Gendered Violence: A Panel Discussion


SAFE (Students Advocating for Feminism and Empowerment) at Clark is hosting a panel featuring Clark professor Dr. Danielle Hanley, WSU Faculty Dr. Dana Rognlie, and doctoral student Gia Davis, along with assorted Clark and WSU students, facilitated by WSU faculty Dr. Kathryn E. Frazier. They will discuss media representations of unhealthy relationship dynamics and sexual […]

The State of Trans Studies in the 2020s

The State of Trans Studies in the 2020s with Marquis Bey, Aaron Devor, Julian Kevon Glover, Kristen Renn, and Ann Travers. Moderated by Emily Skidmore, Associate Professor at Texas Tech University With the 2021 publication of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by Abbie Goldberg and Genny Beemyn, a timely question is, what is the […]

Trans Rights Priorities for the Biden Administration


Trans Rights Priorities for the Biden Administration with Kyle Broadus (Founder and Director, Trans People of Color Coalition), Sasha Buchert (Senior Attorney, Lambda Legal), Kris Hayashi (Executive Director, Transgender Law Center), Mara Keisling (Executive Director, National Center for Transgender Equality), & Shannon Minter (Legal Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights. Moderated by Genny Beemyn, Director […]

In Our Own Words: LGBTQ Survivors of Incarceration and the Path Forward U.S. incarcerates more people than any other nation, the burden of which falls upon black, brown, indigenous, poor, and LGBTQ+ people. Join our panel of policy experts, all of whom are formerly incarcerated LGBTQ+ individuals. Panelists will share their personal journeys and how they are using law and policy to dismantle the prison system. […]

Gender, Politics and the 2020 Presidential Election

Professors Valerie Sperling, Kristen Williams, and Danielle Hanley, political science Please join us for a panel discussion on gender and the 2020 US presidential election. Professors Sperling, Hanley, and Williams will each briefly address a unique aspect of the gendered nature of the upcoming election. Topics to be explored include masculinity, misogyny, intersectionality, identity politics, […]