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Past Events

Computer Science Open House

CMACD 002 7 Hawthorne Street, Worcester

Come and meet our dedicated faculty and learn about the exciting courses we're offering for the upcoming semester. Explore a wide range of courses, from introductory classes to advanced electives, and […]

Clarkathon 2023: The Ultimate Hackathon Experience

CMACD (Center for Media, Arts, Computing & Design) 7 Hawthorne St, Worcester

Get ready for a coding frenzy like never before! ClarkTIE (Clark Center for Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship) is thrilled to present Clarkathon, the ultimate hackathon experience that welcomes all students with a passion for innovation, technology, and creativity.

Computer Science Invited Talk

CMACD 305/306/307 7 Hawthorne Street, Worcester

Ever wondered how your computer science studies apply to the real world? Join us for an insightful talk! Nicholaos, a Computer Science graduate turned software whiz, will break down how […]