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Clarkathon 2023: The Ultimate Hackathon Experience

CMACD (Center for Media, Arts, Computing & Design) 7 Hawthorne St, Worcester, MA, United States

Get ready for a coding frenzy like never before! ClarkTIE (Clark Center for Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship) is thrilled to present Clarkathon, the ultimate hackathon experience that welcomes all students with a passion for innovation, technology, and creativity.

Unlocking Technical Interviews: Tips and Tactics

JC 001 Jonas Clark

Discover how to conquer technical interviews with insights from Professor Pawan Gupta, a former principal software engineer and now a teaching professor in the Department of Computer Science.

Navigating Graduate Education: A Roadmap to Success

JC 001 Jonas Clark

Join the Department of Computer Science for Navigating Graduate Education: A Roadmap to Success, a workshop designed to help students navigate the graduate education application process.

Hackathon 101 with ClarkTIE

JC 001 Jonas Clark

Join ClarkTIE for this info session to learn more about hackathons and how to make the most out of them.

Chit Chat and Pizza

Jonas Clark 001

Come relax, talk with your classmates, and get to know the computer science community at Clark — and did we mention pizza?

Computer Science Ice Cream Social

Sackler Sciences Center S121

The Department of Computer Science invites students to learn about the department, hang out with each other, and enjoy some ice cream!

Augmented Abilities in the Virtual World

Higgins Lounge Dana Commons

Evolution of technology has always seemed to touch non-disabled people first and then adjusted for the bigger subset of people by either those who care or have experienced difficulty in using the technology. Professor  John Magee will be hosting a talk on augmented abilities in the virtual world in which Professor Magee will talk about how […]

Computer Science Open House

Sackler 121 950 Main Street

The Department of Computer Science welcomes you all to join us at the Computer Science Open House to learn more about the Department of Computer Science, our course offerings and the opportunities available to students on and off-campus. Learn about exciting new course offerings in the Computer Science program, our introductory courses and how they […]

Utilizing LinkedIn – Clark TIE

Tilton Hall 2nd Floor, University Commons, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA, United States

We often apply to jobs without putting a face to our application, however, at times we overlook the importance of networking. In the United States alone, 30-50% of the new hires are based on referrals from employees working at the company. In addition to this, people with referrals are four times more likely to land […]

Clark University Computer Science & YOU: A bright future together

Sackler 121 950 Main Street

Come and learn more about the Department of Computer Science at Clark and the major and minor programs offered in Computer Science. Declare your major/minor in Computer Science if you're planning to and haven't already - we've made it convenient for you by bringing it all in one space - Sackler 121.  Explore what you […]

Crack The Tech Interview

Sackler 121 950 Main Street

Technical interviews can be tricky and confusing but knowing how to approach any problem and simplifying it down can make even the most daunting questions seem doable with a little thought. That's why the Department of Computer Science will be hosting a Mock Interview Session to give students first-hand experience of what a technical interview […]

What Lies Ahead…


Panel with Clark Computer Science Alumni Come join our Computer Science Alumni as they reflect over their experiences and help you navigate your job search and professional interests. Learn about the new features of ClarkTechApply and how to utilize them for your job/internship search.