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Clark Navigator

Students sitting on green

Clark Navigator introduces you to Clark and Worcester. Through weekly activities, you and your Navigator group will explore a full array of campus facilities, academic resources, social and co-curricular life, and events and opportunities in the broader community.

Clark Navigator helps you: 

  • Make and sustain friendships with your peers, beginning during Orientation and continuing through your first semester. 
  • Become connected with an upper-class peer mentor who can provide advice, support, and resources to navigate your first semester. 
  • Explore and become involved in Clark and the local community through academic, co-curricular, community, or social activities. 
  • Develop skills and strategies to support your transition to college academics. 
  • Become familiar with the campus culture and resources surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Begin the program during Orientation and continue meeting with your assigned group — a cohort of 15 to 20 fellow students and a peer mentor — throughout the semester. 

Through weekly Navigator group meetings, students will learn about campus resources and explore the ways in which Clark will support your academic and personal success. 

First Year Pathways Programming 

The First Year Pathways Program supports your journey and time at Clark. There are 5 key components related to designing your experience. They include:   

  • Explore and navigate the Clark curriculum 
  • Connect and engage with communities 
  • Discover and pursue your passions   
  • Develop professional skills  
  • Reflect, design, and plan   

In parallel with the Navigator, students will participate in at least 10 experiences as a part of the First Year Pathways Program. While some of these experiences will be completed as a group during the scheduled Navigator time, others will be more individualized where students can choose their own experience.