Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program
This program provides a valuable professional development opportunity for staff, faculty, and graduate students. Building an inclusive environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion requires the active participation of everyone on campus.
The Program is designed to offer participants an in-depth examination and greater understanding of how we can and should work together to build a stronger and more inclusive Clark community. Participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will enable them to more effectively work and lead in the workplace.
2024-2025 Session Schedule 2024-2025 Session Descriptions 2024-2025 Facilitator BiosProgram Guidelines
Earn a Certificate of Completion
The Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program consists of completing nine sessions (3 core sessions, 2 practical sessions, 2 identity-based sessions, and 2 elective sessions) for those seeking to earn a certificate of completion. There are three requirements to earn a certificate: Participants must: (1) view the online introduction to the Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program, (2) complete nine sessions – 3 core sessions, 2 practical sessions, 2 identity-based sessions, and 2 elective sessions – over the course of two academic years, and (3) submit a Learning Into Practice proposal.
Learning Into Practice Proposal
Participants are required to submit a “Learning into Practice” proposal that is relevant to their respective department or discipline utilizing the knowledge gained in the program. This proposal will allow participants to actualize what they have learned and translate that into their working and learning environment at Clark University and beyond. Although it is not required to implement the project, it is highly encouraged and beneficial for achieving professional development goals and preparing you for the next steps in your career. Those that implement their project are encouraged to submit artifacts or documentation of their project (e.g. syllabi, curriculum, giveaways, promotional materials, etc.) to serve as an example for future participants. Participants also have the option to partner with others in the program to develop and implement their project.
A previous example that was implemented was a collaboration between a faculty member and a staff member from dining services. The project focused on food and environmental justice partners to conduct a workshop on food and environmental justice and to develop an avenue to help diversify the food menu options by surveying students from various backgrounds.
Participants will review a short PowerPoint presentation explaining the proposal in detail. After proposal submission, participants will receive feedback and then approval on their proposal.
Learning Into Practice Proposal FormPlease Note: it is advised that you speak with your supervisor and/or advisor about implementing your project. We do not financially support Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program projects.
This program is for participants who plan to earn a certificate of completion. Participants must select and complete nine sessions (3 core sessions, 2 practical sessions, 2 identity-based sessions, and 2 elective sessions) of their choosing as well as submit a Learning Into Practice proposal. Participants who complete all nine sessions and submit a proposal within two academic years will receive a certificate of completion that will be awarded at an annual graduation ceremony. During the second academic year in the program, priority registration* will be provided for participants to complete their certificate in a timely manner.
The sessions are 2 hours and are taught by qualified internal and external instructors. All sessions are currently held virtually unless notified.
Registration Instructions
Priority Registration – January 29, 2025!
Step 1: Provide registrant information. Returning participants will receive an e-mail with a registration link and instructions on how to register.
Step 2: Select the sessions you wish to attend.
Repeat Step 2 for all session(s) you plan to attend for the 2024-2025 academic year.
If you have questions about the registration process, please reach out to Ashley Caruso.
Priority Registration*
Spring 2025 priority registration will begin on January 29, 2025! Registrants will be notified via email with instructions on how and when to register.
Cancellation and No-Show Policy
We understand that unplanned or unexpected events come up. Due to the popularity and high demand for this program that is currently free to participants, please review the following guidelines, established to reduce the number of last minute cancellations and no-shows and ensure that those who sign up for the program have the time commitment to attend the classes:
- Any participant who has 2 no-show attendances will be removed from the program
- Any participant who has 3 last minute cancellations (48 hours or less notice) will be removed from the program
We encourage you to speak to your supervisor or manager prior to registering for classes to receive their approval to attend.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enroll in the program?
You can click Register for DICP to start the registration process. This link will remain inactive until registration opens.
What’s the difference between ‘core’, ‘practical’, ‘identity-based’ and ‘electives’ sessions?
All the sessions offered provide valuable insights and information in expanding our understanding and engagement with diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus and beyond. For those earning a certificate, core sessions are required for the completion of the program, while 2 practical sessions, 2 identity-based sessions, and 2 elective sessions of your choosing are required. Each of these sessions offers a chance to expand and explore more specific topics based on the interests of each program participant.
What are my certificate requirements if I am returning to the program this year?
Participants who began the certificate program last year must be on track to complete 3 core sessions, 2 practical sessions, 2 identity-based sessions, and 2 elective sessions. You must also submit, and receive approval for, a Learning Into Practice proposal After completing your nine sessions and Learning Into Practice proposal, you will earn your certificate of completion that will be awarded at a graduation ceremony hosted by President David Fithian in the spring.